
bkempins's picture

Operation Sessions on Portable Layout at the NMRA Nation Convention

If you are interested in operating on our portable, civil war era theme layout at the NMRA National Convention next week, I have posted a sign up sheet at the following link


We have about 20 slots open for guest operators to take a crack at operating a battery powered 4-4-0 with link and pin couplers and authentic 1860s era paperwork.

Model Railroad in New Jersey

I happened upon this web site today (July 8). Impressive.



CN Longview Sub

Well it has been almost a year since my last post, so I thought I would give an update as to my progress on the CN Longview Sub.  The first post and a brief outline of the layout can be found here.


jterryc's picture

DCC Conversion - Small N-Scale 0-6-0 Saddle Tank

My younger brother, who is in the early stages of building a new, large N-scale layout, recently asked me (as the family's DCC and electronics expert) to convert one of his older locomotives to DCC operation.

fernpoint's picture

Destroying the Illusion

I’m talking about the moment when the thought: “Is it a model?” turns into “Yep, it’s a model”……….

I am curious about what people think are the primary culprits when it comes to realism killers.
This isn’t intended to be an opportunity to criticise people’s work but more a way of identifying improvement opportunities.

 As Prof Klyzr says “Aim to Improve” and there never was a better bit of advice.

Right of Way Acquired!

We've started moving in to our new house, so I have now secured the ROW. Here's a picture of the future home of my Los Angeles Junction Railway:

DNI Ready-Mix

stokesda's picture

Athearn BB, SP Dash-9 Detailing Update (Ditch Lights in Progress)

Since my last post about this project way, way back in March, I've been pretty busy with other things but have made a little progress...

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