Locos - Rolling stock (general)
Effective Repair Of Cracked P2K Gears
The usual case with this elder P2K locos, the axle gears are cracked causing some failures like out of mesh gears (clicking noise), out of gauge wheelsets because a lose seat of teh half axles and at least lost of tractive force.
Remove the wheelsets:
- put the loco upside down in a cradle; removal of the shell is not necesssary
- pry the gear covers with the aid of a screwdriver off

Athearn/Roundhouse HO scale GP38-2 & GP60 issues
I recently purchased some new HO scale Roundhouse (Athearn) GP38-2 and GP60 engines, their latest run. All five came with an NCE decoder installed from the factory.
I took the first GP38-2 out of the box, programmed it to the road number, and then called up the engine using my NCE Power Cab on a separate program track. At step 1, the engine takes off! No, it does not creep like it should. Okay, maybe I have a bad decoder? So I move on to the next engine, another GP38-2 and the same thing happens! I do this 3 more times and all 5 engines take off.

Kitbash in a Day : P&R Class GMd gondola
I model the Wilmington & Northern Branch of the Philadelphia & Reading Railway, set in 1903. My line serves numerous industries related to the iron and steel trade, so I always have need for gondolas. This is how I kitbashed a model of a P&R class GMd gondola, an early steel gon. 1250 copies were produced by the Pressed Steel Car Co in 1900 and they served until 1934. My car is kitbashed from an Athearn 50 ft gondola shell and a 36 ft MDC cast metal underframe. This simple kitbash can be done in a day and will fit right in on any pre-Depression era
How to disassemble Walther HO Troop Sleeper
Can anyone tell me how to disassemble an Walthers HO Troop Sleeper?
I can get the roof off but the tabs that hold the sides to the core are not flexible enough to get out of the slots into which they engage.
I model the NH and I need to get the sides off to enlarge the doorways.
Thanks in advance.

Building a Bethlehem Car Works C&EI RPO Combine Kit
This build blog will feature building a Bethlehem Car Works C&EI RPO/Combine kit in HO scale.
Model and photo by my friend Jack Sartori, his build.
...So, I needed a Loco Cradle in a hurry...
Sooo, I needed a stable Loco Cradle in a hurry...
(I do hate when inspriation to Get-a-Job-Done strikes, but you can't lay hands on that tool you really need right this moment...
...fantastic way to waste valuable/rare time and effort, searching for the tool you need just to get-started...)
- couple of pieces of Foamcore, and an offcut of corner-packing foam
(a piece of lint-free offcut material, say the front of a discarded cotton T-shirt, could also work in a pinch)
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