Steam locos

3D Printed Shay, DONE!
It is officially done! More than a year of exclusive and constant work on trying to 3D print a Shay has wrapped up today, the model is assembled and all (well most) parts are glued in place. Along the way I have learned a lot, which was the actual intent of this project from the beginning. When I started printing parts they were to only be used for testing fit and function of parts I intended to have cast in brass. The 3D printed parts looked so good that a few friends convinced me to see if I could print the entire model. What you see here is the result of a l

Need help with Bachmann HO 2-6-0 Alco Mogul
I can not figure out how to remove the boiler and cab from my Bachmann HO 2-6-0 Alco Mogul. My hope is to free them up so as to modify the cab and reposition the headlight and other details... Anyone out there know the secret for separating these parts from the chassis? -Eric

A setback...Loco problems on the Black N' Blue
Well, just as I was about to start incorporating my harbor module into operation with the rest of the layout, I've hit a setback. I own three locos, a Bachmann Sound Value 2-6-0, a Bachmann Spectrum two truck Climax and an Atlas RS-1. The Climax was already out of commission as one or both of the driveshafts had come loose and at the time, I was busy with other things and just didn't feel like fooling with it so I put it back in it's box and stored it away. In fact, I now realize I hid it from myself but it's around here somewhere.
Lubrication for locomotives that have not been run in 8 years
Hi Folks,
I have been storing 5 locomotives for 8 years and am wondering how I should lubricate them before running them again. Here is a list of what I have:
Bachmann 3 truck shay ho
Bachmann 2-6-0 ho
Bachmann climax 3 truck shay ho
Blackstone 2-8-0 hon3
PFM 2 truck shay hon3
Do I need to disassemble anything, or can I just lubricate them by turning them upside down in a foam cradle?
Thoughts and suggestions?
...So, I needed a Loco Cradle in a hurry...
Sooo, I needed a stable Loco Cradle in a hurry...
(I do hate when inspriation to Get-a-Job-Done strikes, but you can't lay hands on that tool you really need right this moment...
...fantastic way to waste valuable/rare time and effort, searching for the tool you need just to get-started...)
- couple of pieces of Foamcore, and an offcut of corner-packing foam
(a piece of lint-free offcut material, say the front of a discarded cotton T-shirt, could also work in a pinch)

Engaging a Prototype Steam Locomotive Booster Engine
Can someone explain the actual use of a steam loco, equipped with a booster engine (typically in the trailing truck or in the lead tender truck)? Were there separate controls for the booster? When was the booster engaged? Did the associated driven wheels often slip or drag relative to the drivers? Was the booster cut out when not needed? When/if cut out were the booster wheels free rolling?
If you have a reference dealing with booster operation or you know the answers, both would be appreciated.

Bachmann 2-10-0 Decapod in UP livery
I picked up this Bachmann loco at a local show in Deland Fla about 6 months ago. It was such a sweet looking engine I could resist, particularly as it had a vandy tender. A few weeks ago I put it on the tracks and it ran like a sweet heart too.
When I took a closer look at the box it came with I noticed it said 'undecorated'. So my question is did Bachmann sell this model like this, or did the previous owner just add that UP vandy tender?
Did any of the decapods utilize vandy tenders?
Did UP own any of these Russian decapods?

What's on Your Workbench - December 2021
Is it really December? Let's see your latest layout and workbench projects! Share your notes and photos on this forum thread.
Eric Hansmann
Contributing Editor, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:
Fading and weathering a shiny factory painted loco
I have weathered another switcher, but as seen here, it had an off black custom paint job and never was shiny.
This one is going to be a challenge.

Rubber Band Drives
I've been doing a bit of research on alternative motor-axle drive systems to utilize on a 'disguised pusher' to help power up our steam engines that have been trying mightily to do it all on individual selfs.
A few days ago I ran across a few references, including this very convincing video,..
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