Curious of when to start a Journal (blog)
Just wondering from everyone's input really. I think I would like to start a blog (journal) on MRH, (very new to all this) but with the forum moving, should I wait until the bugs are worked out on the new forum or start one here? Any thoughts or input would be great! Tips for Blogging would also be great! I see great things on the forum and I think its time I become more active and stop lurking! Thanks everyone for your time
Little Rock, AR
Ron Bashista RIP
I read in the news that Ron passed away recently. Ron founded American models and over the years offered us some nice models at very fair prices. All S scalers owe Ron a lot of thanks for his years of service to the hobby. I never met Ron in person but talking over the phone I could tell he was a straight shooter, a guy I'd want for a friend. He will be sorely missed...Dave B

Foreign Train Forums, particularly European
Just wondering if anyone has a reference to other model railroad forums from around the world,...maybe some sort of list, ... with links??
Why do I have to re-post my posts?
When I make a post on a thread here at the MRH Forums, Every time I come back to that particular thread the Forum tells me a previous version of the post has been saved and if I want it posted I need to O.K. the post.
I find this to be a waste of my time. I have already spent my time creating the post and confirmed it's post it by hitting the "Submit" Button. What is going on here?

What's on Your Workbench - December 2021
Is it really December? Let's see your latest layout and workbench projects! Share your notes and photos on this forum thread.
Eric Hansmann
Contributing Editor, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:
model railroaders/clubs
I'm wondering if there are any ho scale model railroaders and/or clubs in the Las Vegas/Henderson area?

Online, Zoom - 2nd Division PNR November Meet
2nd Division PNR will be meeting by Zoom this month. All are welcome.

Branding ...our hobby needs to improve in this area
I have noticed a lot of companies associated with this hobby have very poor logos or web banners. They have either say
"We from the 50's" look
or they have
"here kids you do art at school, see what you can come up with".
And the worst thing about this is the Vendors, company's, associations probably realise this but then they say
"but we have had that logo for 10 years we can't change it now we are known by it"

Social media and model railroaders
Quite a discussion has developed on the NMRA Magazine thread about social media and the level of modelers who frequent such sites.
Rather than derail the NMRA magazine conversation any further, I'm starting this thread to continue the discussion of social media sites and how they do or do not work for modelers.
I'm picking this conversation up mid-stream, but I hope to get the OT discussion off the NMRA magazine thread.

Our Hobby Prices as affected by shipping cost
I have a major concern about how shipping cast from overseas is going to affect both the prices of our model railroad items,...AND their availability.
I recall seeing a posting that talked about the huge increase in container freight coming in from China, but I can't find it now. Those container shipping rates have to be a big increase in our hobby supplies coming in from international shipping (as well as lots of other items), but we are talking RR items here.
And currently we have something like 80 container ships waiting to unload at our west coast ports.
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