Benchwork - Roadbed

Ballast Color
Does anyone know what the original color was for the Monon (CIL) railroad ballast which ran through Indiana from Chicago, IL to Louisville,KY?
Book Recommendations
I would like to get a book for my brother for Christmas. In the past he is prone to:
Concealing a helix
I'm planning to build a 2-level HO layout. I've read articles and seen videos about constructing a helix to connect the two levels. I have not seen descriptions / photos / videos about how to conceal the helix with scenery; especially the finished results. I guess I conceptually understand concealing it within mountain terrain. However, my layout will not have mountains. How can I conceal the helix? Example photos and/or videos (both in-process and final results) would be especially helpful. Also, I need advice about how to ma
Where are you finding cork sheets these days?
Hi everyone,
With my layout framed and the foam down (1/4 frame on 2" foam), I am moving on to getting the cork roadbed down. However, I am having a bit of an issue finalizing material choice. For background I am modeling 1940s Canadian Pacific in Vancouver. Here's a photo of the yard I am modeling - and the yard takes up a good portion of the layout.

Introducting: Little Creek Mine
I've been sitting on this project now for a couple of months trying to figure out what to do with it. The project actually started with building the bench work seen above out of scrap pieces of wood laying around in storage. I'll get into the details of it later, but for the moment the bench work is a self-contained box designed to be a portable exhibition layout.

What's on Your Workbench - December 2021
Is it really December? Let's see your latest layout and workbench projects! Share your notes and photos on this forum thread.
Eric Hansmann
Contributing Editor, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:
A Screw On Lead Extension
The switching lead on my mini test layout would be pathetically short without an extension. Since I expect to carry the module up and down stairs and round corners, the extension has to be removable. I wanted it to lock nicely into place and be easy to install and remove. I ended up using a threaded insert and a screw with a knob.
Here's a side view of the extension installed.
A Mini Test layout
The astute observer may have noticed I haven't posted about any layout progress for quite some time, and wondered if this was because I was busily building the Eastborough Industrial, or if I was still waffling.
It's the latter.
I'm happy with the track plan, the only minor reservation I have is Trans Plastics - that's a lot of cars (somewhere around 20) for a medium amount of operating interest. I've had thoughts of substituting a smaller plastics industry. But that's not what's holding me up.
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