DC - Electrical
TAM Valley
Unfortunately, I have been informed that TAM Valley Depot is not longer able to provide a number of their products--including servo turnout controls and assoicated components. However, I have heard various rumors that there may be plans for others to take over the product line. Does anyone have definative information on the future of their product line and, if so, when the above products will become available?
Appolgies in advance if this subject has been previously discussed.
Bill Adkins
...So, I needed a Loco Cradle in a hurry...
Sooo, I needed a stable Loco Cradle in a hurry...
(I do hate when inspriation to Get-a-Job-Done strikes, but you can't lay hands on that tool you really need right this moment...
...fantastic way to waste valuable/rare time and effort, searching for the tool you need just to get-started...)
- couple of pieces of Foamcore, and an offcut of corner-packing foam
(a piece of lint-free offcut material, say the front of a discarded cotton T-shirt, could also work in a pinch)

Sony NP-F batteries for O scale
I've spent the past year learning how to write better, working, and improving other areas of life (including finishing up my education). So all my hobbies had to take a back seat for a while. Anyways, I recently decided to build a full-on movie camera out of my Sony a6100 for upcoming projects.
One problem with Sony cameras is that their normal battery, the NP-FW50 battery does not last very long when recording video.

What's on Your Workbench - December 2021
Is it really December? Let's see your latest layout and workbench projects! Share your notes and photos on this forum thread.
Eric Hansmann
Contributing Editor, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:
mehano camelback repair
how to disassemble ihc- mehano 2-6-0 mother Hubbard camelback loco without destroying it.what I found so far the rear end slides out and has tabs .cab has two screws and the front I'm not sure about it .all I found so far there's a screw that hold the pilot wheels and unscrewed and still couldn't remove the front of it I believe I'm missing something here. I'm replacing motor and installing dcc. this loco is new and never been ran

Driving a 130' diamond scale HO turntable with an arduino and a stepper motor
A few years ago I purchased a partially completed 130' Diamond Scale turntable with the intention of putting in the Bear Creek yard engine facility on my BC&SJ railroad.
Finally, I'm in the process of installing it. The plan is to drive it with a stepper motor and an Arduino.
Sounds simple? Well not so much actually.
Due to my being lucky I have a good friend (and layout collaborator) who can make adaptor fittings to go between stepper motors and the 3/16" worm gear driveshaft for the turntable.
Has anyone ordered and used the DrDuino model railroad kit thats being advertised in the links??. if you have ..is it semi easy to follow and understand?? My cousin is interested in learning about Adruinos for his small layout. ive tried to teach him.....but im not much of a teacher. Hes not a MRH member. Been trying to get him to join.
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