Layout maintenance
...So, I needed a Loco Cradle in a hurry...
Sooo, I needed a stable Loco Cradle in a hurry...
(I do hate when inspriation to Get-a-Job-Done strikes, but you can't lay hands on that tool you really need right this moment...
...fantastic way to waste valuable/rare time and effort, searching for the tool you need just to get-started...)
- couple of pieces of Foamcore, and an offcut of corner-packing foam
(a piece of lint-free offcut material, say the front of a discarded cotton T-shirt, could also work in a pinch)

BullFrog Snot and Graphite Treated Rails
I recall several folks that commented on how BulFrog Snot tended to pick-up debris from their layout. It got me to thinking of what sort of detrimental action this product would have on our graphite treated rails??

What's on Your Workbench - December 2021
Is it really December? Let's see your latest layout and workbench projects! Share your notes and photos on this forum thread.
Eric Hansmann
Contributing Editor, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:

What's on Your Workbench - November 2021
The days are shorter and the lawn doesn't need as much attention. You have time again for layout and workbench projects! Share notes and photos on your current workbench and layout projects!
Eric Hansmann
Contributing Editor, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:

Joints in Fascia
I use 1/8 in hardboard for my fascia. I use plastic trim pieces designed for joining paneling or shower enclosure material to join the fascia pieces. That covers the joint to provide a finished look.
TrainCat Models Manufacture of Etched Brass Models
TrainCat Models
I first saw their exquisite kits and built up models at The Springfield Show in the early 2000's they were to the left as you entered the main building.
They had a great oil drilling derrick you could modify to gas, website shows really great light tower.
Now that I am to the point I can use them I got a surprise on the website.
Home page has a banner "BREAKING NEWS Due to the passing of my wife, TrainCat remains in hiatus"

What's on Your Workbench - October 2021
We have moved along into another month! Share current workbench and layout projects!
Anyone have problems with the new Atlas Mark V turnouts?
Our RR club is in the process of building some new modules with a mixture of Atlas code 100 Mark IV and Mark V turnouts. We had to use a mixture because we could not find enough of either one. We have 8 of the #6 Mark Vs and so far the points have fallen out of two of them and we have not even put them into operation. When we stand the modules on end to move them, the pivoting end of the point rail falls out of the turnout. Atlas says to return them but we did not discover the problem until they were mounted on the modules.
The S&NE Railway
I’ve posted the beginnings of a new journal on the new (temporary) forum site. I hope you will check it out and comment!
Thanks for looking.
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