Layout design

Little Creek Mine: Track Plan
This post has been trimmed to better fit with MRH's blog style and to get more to the point for readers. If you'd like to read the full article on my blog you are welcome to do so here.
Operations up Little Creek
Book Recommendations
I would like to get a book for my brother for Christmas. In the past he is prone to:
Dream Layout.
Hey guys. I am working on designing my dream home, and my dream layout at the same time. I'm conflicted on many aspects of the design and what all I want on the layout. The room is a little over 8000 Sq Ft. Yes I know, it's very large. It is going to be in the basement of the house. I want to incorporate a lot of different of scenes, industries and other things. My plan is to have two decks that are connected with no helixes. The bottom deck will be at 30" and the top deck at 60". A few other things.
Fictional NYSW-esque railroad in Pennsylvania
I've been thinking about the NYS&W lately and I think that "format" of railroad is cool, and wondered how it would look transplanted to Pennsylvania. Basically, the NYS&W was a moderately-successful bridge line that eventually shrank back before acquiring new trackage in an area it did not originally operate it. My idea starts with the New York, Philadelphia, and Norfolk Railroad, which had a line roughly running up the Delmarva peninsula.

Introducting: Little Creek Mine
I've been sitting on this project now for a couple of months trying to figure out what to do with it. The project actually started with building the bench work seen above out of scrap pieces of wood laying around in storage. I'll get into the details of it later, but for the moment the bench work is a self-contained box designed to be a portable exhibition layout.
Small traction module
I've been thinking about model railroading again, and this time I think a traction layout would be interesting. I want to keep it small, and I want to make it compatible with East Penn Traction Club modules. Going to a convention with it would be a good long-term goal to work towards. I'm not particularly interested in modelling one prototype, or even freelancing a US railroad, rather, I have mine set in the setting of some stories I've written, although this particular module would take inspiration from one SEPTA trolley depot I've seen.

Changing my modeling "flavor", and seeking inspiration during the building phase
Well, not to much to explain, as that's what the video is for. I decided to focus on industrial "what if" shortline railroading as an experiment, until I finish the rest of my layout. It's operationally enjoyable and is inspiring me to get more work done on the sections I have built, so I'd call that success.

Acadian Coast Eastern
The Acadian Coast Eastern is alive and well. Version 4 occupies a 17' x 16' basement room (plus a 3 track staging yard under the stairwell in the home I moved to in December, 2019.) Here's the track plan -- basically a big wye with 6 modeled "town" locations plus the staging yard. My track plan is below. All modeled towns in this plan were designed as switching puzzles of varying difficulty. You can still find pics and info about ACE versions 1-3 (all in a 14' x 12' room in my former home) at
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