Dream Layout.
Hey guys. I am working on designing my dream home, and my dream layout at the same time. I'm conflicted on many aspects of the design and what all I want on the layout. The room is a little over 8000 Sq Ft. Yes I know, it's very large. It is going to be in the basement of the house. I want to incorporate a lot of different of scenes, industries and other things. My plan is to have two decks that are connected with no helixes. The bottom deck will be at 30" and the top deck at 60". A few other things.

Why Their are 'Foreign Flag' Locos on our Local Flag Tracks
I thought this was an interesting video that explained the 'intermixing' of various flag locos on various companies' tracks,..

What's on Your Workbench - December 2021
Is it really December? Let's see your latest layout and workbench projects! Share your notes and photos on this forum thread.
Eric Hansmann
Contributing Editor, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:

Cocoa Beach 2022 Operating Sessions
Good morning.
My name is Robert Gross. I am very new to operations but I think my layout is at the point where operations would be something fun to get started on.
The layout itself is a prototypical rendition of the New Haven RR in Waterbury CT during the early fall of 1948 and is housed in my garage.
I would like to know who to speak with from the Cocoa Beach Proto Rails meet about hosting an operation session on my HO scale New Haven layout during the meeting coming up on January 6-9. Any help would be appreciated.
Robert Gross

What's on Your Workbench - November 2021
The days are shorter and the lawn doesn't need as much attention. You have time again for layout and workbench projects! Share notes and photos on your current workbench and layout projects!
Eric Hansmann
Contributing Editor, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:

The San Miguel Central RR, On30.
"Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show."
So, here I am. Born anew.
My journey in model railroading is a continuous one, and after building a layout in HOn3 the last couple of years, I've now jumped headfirst into the dark side of model railroading; On30!
As some may know, I live in Sweden and work as an artist/cultural heritage consultant.
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