Michael Graff Graffen

"Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show."

So, here I am. Born anew.
My journey in model railroading is a continuous one, and after building a layout in HOn3 the last couple of years, I've now jumped headfirst into the dark side of model railroading; On30!

As some may know, I live in Sweden and work as an artist/cultural heritage consultant.
My former freelanced layout: the Minturn-Kings divide & Eastern was a Colorado based empire built in HOn3.

The turning point was a realization that even though my eyesight actually has improved , my fat fingers aren't getting any nimbler....
A good friend of mine decided to dismantle his On30 layout and sell me a bunch of the stuff.
How could I say no?
So, with a MMI K-27, a Goose and a bunch of other On30 stuff, I'm going to rebuild my layout into a On30 layout.
The new layout will be based on the south western part of the narrow gauge circle, and be named the San Miguel Central RR.
So, if anyone has any good pointers on how to be successful in this new (to me) scale, please chime in!


Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 4

Want some inspiration as well as information?

Join the NNG "Off the Beaten Track" group on Groups.io - https://groups.io/g/NNG

There is a monthly Zoom meet (recorded) on the second Tuesday of each month. 

The video archives are at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxOME2uhLL-pPTiRfyAu6Qw for the most recent sessions and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-pc9_xA-w2t3RdhLZ7BNOA (scroll down to Off the Beaten Track) for older ones. 

It's hosted by Russ Segner, who I believe is running the next National Narrow Gauge convention in Tacoma, WA, as well as Marc Lachey, Gerry Cornwell, Dave Adams, and Pete Smith. I'm sort of along for the ride. 

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix        My blog index
Superintendent, 2nd Division PNR, NMRA
Northwest Oregon/Southwest Washington

Reply 0
Michael Graff Graffen

Thanks! I will!

Thanks! I will!


Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 0


I wish you all kinds of joy and enthusiasm for this new adventure.

Advice, cut your self some floor templates for structures you want to use or build and plan out bits and pieces of your new RR in full size so you have a good idea of the space needed for what you want to do.


Reply 0

Watch your minimum radii

HI Michael,


1 - Watch your designed minimum radii. Some of the MMI stuff is less "flexible" when it comes to how tight a radius you can bend it around. For guidance, have a look at: 


Please have a good read of page 1. Once you go below the "Practical Minimum Radius" then your tracklaying standard has to be "good" or better. 

2 - Watch your trackside clearances. The K27 is a big unit - with big cylinders down low, they have been reported as wiping out anything too close to the tracks on curves - like turnout throws when set for the diverging track.

3 - watch your track separation - especially on curves. You will have to increase the amount of setback from the turnout in loops to avoid sideswipes by passing trains. 

Others have commented already on building footprints being 4x larger than you are used to. 

Apart from those caveats, have fun and I look forward to seeing what your new On30 empire morphs into.  


John Garaty

Unanderra in oz

Read my Blog

Reply 0
Michael Graff Graffen

First build...

So, this is the first O scale build getting started.
Yorke's Pool hall & Bordello in 1:48.
I have built it in H0 before so I have some knowledge of how to build it.





Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 0

Rule G enforced?

Found your RRs beer. 




If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right! 

Reply 0
Michael Graff Graffen

I've started the

I've started the build.
Yorke's Pool hall and Bordello.

The table seems small now...





Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 1
Michael Graff Graffen

CAD time

I've drawn a saloon interior for the kit:

What do you think?


Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 1
Michael Graff Graffen

I've made some changes....

I got some input from someone who has better knowledge of these things.

Now it's one "fancy wall" and at the back of the saloon.
There's a barber chair and around the table there'll be a poker game.


Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 2
Al Carter tabooma county rwy


I've always enjoyed your posts and your excellent craftsmanship.  I was sorry to see you stopping the HOn3 layout, but completely get the "aging eyes" thing.  I really look forward to following along in your new On30 journey.

As for the saloon interior, I sort of liked the first iteration, myself.  But the new one is good, too, although I don't get the barber chair...  A suggestion:  Many bars and saloons had a full length mirror behind the bar, or at least a very large one.

Al Carter, Mount Vernon, WA

Reply 0
Michael Graff Graffen


I designed the interior in Fusion 360 and sliced it in Chitubox for preparing it to print on my trusty old Anycubic Photon S resin printer.

This is how the file look for the wall:


And this is fresh from the printer:

I use a water soluble resin as it is much less toxic.

After trimming the supports and hardening it in the UV chamber, I glued it together with CA:

Theres a bit more sanding and a bit of filler needed at the joint, but I think it will look smashing!


Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 1
Dave K skiloff

Really nice

3D printing is a boon to detailers.  That is going to look fantastic when all painted up and installed.

Playing around in HO and N scale since 1976

Reply 0
Michael Graff Graffen

Thanks! I primed the back


I primed the back wall with Tamiya dark brown.

Then I added some drybrushing and painted the pillars black..

The walls are (maybe) going to get wallpaper, I haven't decided yet


Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 2
Michael Graff Graffen

Finally, a Saloon!

I have printed and painted the last of the interior pieces except for the chandelier...



Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 2
Michael Graff Graffen

A bit more....

I primed the floor with Vallejo IDF sand:


I had some wallpaper printed out and glued it to the walls, it wrinkled nicely vertically, which made it more life like:


It's getting there:


Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 2
Kent Smith GN Cascade

Looks really great!

Beautiful modeling, sir. Looking forward to your work. Thank You for sharing.

Kent Smith - Great Northern Railway Cascade Division 1955 HO
Reply 0
Michael Graff Graffen

More interior decorating.,

I weathered the floor a bit and glued the interior in place.

Now for the rest of the detailing.  
I haven't decided which type of light fixtures to use yet.


Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 3
Dave K skiloff

A wood chandelier?

A wooden chandelier would be cool.

Playing around in HO and N scale since 1976

Reply 0
Michael Graff Graffen


A wooden chandelier, yes, but which kind?


Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 0
Dave K skiloff

From old movies

I think they often used old wagon wheels as chandeliers.  Would be an interesting project.

Playing around in HO and N scale since 1976

Reply 0
Michael Graff Graffen

First test of my K-27

First test of my K-27 #454.
It sure is big compared to the HOn3.....
​​​​​​​Now it's time to rip out the HO and HOn3 and rebuild the layout to On30!


Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 2
Michael Graff Graffen

Repair of another loco

I got this Bachmann 4-6-0 in On30.

The plug between the locomotive and tender was broken (the wires were broken off...).

So after some repair work I tested it:





Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 2


You need some playing cards on that table. Make the two guys each be showing their hand. One has 2 aces, the other guy has 3 aces. That will add spice to the scene!

You can call me EW. Here's my blog index

Reply 1
Michael Graff Graffen

I've just started to paint

I've just started to paint the walls of the Saloon. I use a variety of Vallejo and MIG paints.

I just applied the enamel panel line wash on the bricks.


Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

Reply 3