What are the guidelines for posting on the MRH site?
Short answer: Generally speaking, play nice and don't be vulgar. Promotional or for sale posts have strict guidelines since we're advertiser funded - this funding approach allows MRH to maintain a high standard of quality (read: pay staff and authors), yet remain forever free to modelers. Click here to read the guidelines for promotional posts.
You are an invited guest: Here’s an attitude we suggest you adopt when it comes to participating here: you’re a guest in the MRH online facilities. So behave accordingly. Don't do anything that would result in you finding yourself escorted out to the curb, as it were.
To report an offending post, please email abuse@mrhmag.com and bring it to the attention of our moderators.
Long answer: The MRH forums and blogs help build a strong community of modelers by fostering discussion and sharing information. Messages posted by subscribers are solely the opinion and responsibility of the person posting the message. All subscribers posting to the MRH site must be familiar with these posting guidelines.
Posting to the forums or blogs constitutes your agreement to the terms outlined in these guidelines.
General guidelines
Please treat all Community Leaders and their decisions with respect. As volunteers helping users and moderating the MRH site, they deserve your courtesy as much as we feel you deserve theirs.
While we’re the first to admit we’re not perfect, we strive to be impartial and conduct ourselves in the fairest manner possible for all. In order to provide you with a safe and positive experience on our site, some moderation actions taken by our Community Leaders may not be explicitly covered under these guidelines if we feel certain posts are not in the best interest of our community.
Violation of these guidelines is grounds for immediate post removal, forum sanction and/or suspension of your MRH subscriber account.
Please note: The moderators of the MRH site reserve the right to remove any post we deem as inappropriate without warning.
If at any time you feel a Community Leader, or another user treats you unfairly or inappropriately, please send an email to abuse@mrhmag.com.
Prohibited activities on the MRH site include:
Advertising, “Spamming”, "For sale" or Promotion
MRH prohibits the posting of advertising links, images, or content for the purpose of promotion or selling outside of the MRH Advertiser forum or the Hobby event notices forum. Hijacking or creating a new thread for the purpose of solicitation, selling, or advertising of content/posts may also be interpreted as a solicitation and are prohibited outside of their relevant forums.
Only MRH paid advertisers or MRH staff are allowed to post in the MRH Advertiser forum. Vendors who are not MRH advertisers must become a paid advertiser first to be allowed to post in the MRH Advertiser forum. For details on becoming a paid advertiser, please visit this link.
Existing Model Railroad Hobbyist paid advertisers are permitted (and even encouraged) to promote their products via the MRH Advertiser forum. Promotional posts by MRH advertisers outside of this forum will be moved to this forum so they are clearly identified as promotional posts that are sanctioned on the MRH site.
Hobby event coordinators may freely post notices of their hobby events on Hobby event notices forum. Only non-profit organizations hosting events may post in this forum - all other event organizations must purchase advertising and post in the MRH Advertiser forum. For the magazine, we offer ads to non-profits at a 50% discount of our regular rates.
For sale or classified ads are not permitted on the MRH website unless you have received express permission in advance to make such a post. (There are a lot better places to sell personal hobby items if you do want to do a personal classified ad -- ebay, and various "yard sale" forums on Yahoo, to name a few.)
Crowdfunding promotional links (e.g., Kickstart or Patreon) are also not permitted on the MRH site without permission, since that's also a form of advertising.
The general rule is if money can be changing hands, then it's advertising and not free on the MRH website.
The solicitation or advertisement of web content, goods, services, or other information not published on the MRH site or in the MRH magazine is considered “spam” and not allowed.
Flaming, Trolling & Ranting
Posting intentionally hostile or insulting messages meant to incite arguments, a.k.a. “flame wars” is not considered a positive contribution to the MRH community and will be removed. We do not discourage heated debates, but as the line between passionate discussion and “trolling/flaming” is often subjective - determining what is and is not acceptable will be determined solely by our moderators (Community Leaders and Staff).
Comment on content, not on the contributor. Personal attacks do not help make a point; they only hurt the community and deter users from helping to create a good body of knowledge in a discussion. Derogatory comments about other contributors may be removed by a moderator or the thread may be locked to prevent any further violations. Repeated or egregious personal attacks may lead to blocks.
Going on "rants" where you continue to post a constant negative stream of posts and won't let up is also not welcomed. Make your point and then move on, change the subject, and so on. We want to keep our forum a friendly place and posters with an axe to grind or on a "holy war" drive people away and make people avoid the MRH website. Always remember this is a hobby people do for fun, it's not the Spanish Inquisition.
Deliberately creating a new account solely for the purpose of anonymously posting rants is a violation of our posting policies. Any such account will be disabled and the rant will be unpublished.
Whether provoked by another member or from other reasons, aggressive retaliatory responses to trolling/flaming are not excusable acts under any circumstances. If another member of our site is personally attacking you, please report it via email to abuse@mrhmag.com. DO NOT RETALIATE or respond aggressively to an abusive comment.
Offensive remarks made in retaliation to an abusive post are likewise subject to removal/sanctions.
Profanity & Obscenity
We prohibit the posting of material (graphics, text, links, and other references) containing profanity, vulgarity (including potty humor*), hate speech, threats of violence, obscenity, or pornographic/adult material. Using a vulgar, profane, or otherwise offensive username is also prohibited. While we encourage free expression, we also expect our members to be respectful of the sensibilities of other users. The determination as to what is and is not considered acceptable posting on our forums is totally at the discretion of the moderators.
*Potty humor: Toilet humor, or scatological humor (a preoccupation with obscenity, especially that dealing with excrement or excretory functions), is a type of off-color humor dealing with defecation, urination, flatulence, vomiting and other bodily functions. This genre also sees substantial crossover with sexual humor, such as penis jokes and fanny jokes. Potty humor posts push the limits of most people's sensibilities and will be removed.
Divisive signature content
As a general rule, we give you a lot of freedom in your signature to tailor it to reflect your personality. However, when it comes to political or religious commentary in your signature, the content needs to be neutral, uplifting, or unifying, rather than divisive. Confrontational, demeaning, accusatory, or widely controversial signature content, even if veiled (such as using an acronym or icon), will be removed. MRH Media decides what constitutes inappropriate signature content that violates this guideline, and our decision is final.
Discussing or reposting of deleted, locked posts or banned members
Respect the decisions of our moderators and staff. If a topic is locked or deleted or a user has been banned, discussion of these subjects will not be allowed to continue. Comments, questions or concerns on such actions within the forums can be submitted to the site moderators or staff by sending an email to abuse@mrhmag.com.
DO NOT post such comments on the MRH web site.
Link only posts
We frown on link-only posts, and so does Google. If you have a video, embed it, and add some original content in the form of useful comments. If you have content on a blog elsewhere, post a relevant extract of that blog with some additional original comments as well.
Google will give your posts the best search ranking if you embed any video or paste a blog excerpt (text and photos) along with some new original content. Then if you add a link as well, Google will rank your post higher. Link-only posts are parasitical and Google will downrate you if no new original content not also present.
Posts with an excerpt of content from elsewhere with added original new content and a link elsewhere for more get the highest rating in Google and they also perform the best for you.
Posting contact information about another individual
Posting personal contact information on MRH subscribers Community leaders, MRH staff, and non-subscribers is not permitted, regardless of the source of that information. If you want to pass on contact information to others please post it via private email offline.
Using multiple accounts for fraudulent or deceptive behavior
While there is nothing wrong with having multiple aliases on our site, we prohibit using such aliases to deceive other users or moderators, to “bump” or promote a topic in a thread, or for any other reason we consider a misuse of our site.
Contacting other members regarding business by unauthorized methods
Searching for and making use of contact information the person did not otherwise willingly provide themselves is a violation of these guidelines and may result in disciplinary action.
Posting copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright owner
To report copyright infringement or inappropriate content to our administrators, please email abuse@mrhmag.com and bring it to the attention of our moderators.
Malicious or Disruptive Code
The use of JavaScript, activeX or other coding, making repetitive posts, or other actions that interfere with site operations is forbidden. Any malicious code or employment of a robot, spider or other process or device to harvest e-mail addresses or other user information or to monitor the activity on MRH web site is also forbidden.
False Representation and Endorsements
Posting with the intent to impersonate MRH Staff or another member through the use of similar IDs or any other method or device is prohibited. Postings which falsely suggest that MRH Staff or Community Leaders have in any way approved of, or are involved in the promotion of given content is prohibited.
Data Mining/Harvesting & Employing Bots
Using the MRH site as a means to acquire private information from other community members through any methods is prohibited.
Posts promoting or encouraging activities that violate these posting guidelines is also prohibited.
Disciplinary Actions
MRH may block an account from posting without removing the subscriber from the site. MRH may block a subscriber from the site who has been previously warned of policy violations, though we reserve the right to remove a subscriber immediately depending on the violation.
Sanctions/blocking may range from 1 day to indefinite. A block or suspension of one ID applies to all IDs of that member and may, at our discretion, apply to members of the same household.
The use of false registration information or creating multiple accounts for use on the MRH site for the purpose of disruption or to avoid detection may result in permanent deletiion of all associated registrations, a permanent blocking of your IP address or us reporting you to your ISP as a spammer.
Content Ownership and Privacy
The content you post on the MRH website is jointly owned by you and by MRH. This means if MRH wants to take a single post of yours down for any reason, we can. It also means if you want to take a single post down for any reason, you can (although for mass deletions, you MUST discuss your desires with us first so we don't leave trashed threads or have modelers wondering where their important dialog with you went).
MRH may take excerpts from what you post and publish them in our magazine, post it on Facebook, post it on YouTube, or use it in a book or video, and give you credit. If we want to publish substantial portions of what you have posted, especially photos, then we will contact you and get permission as well as discussing payment terms. MRH defines what constitutes "substantial".
We have no claim on any content you post here beyond this website, so you maintain complete ownership of any content you post here outside of this site. This joint copyright only applies to the content as it is presented on this website -- we have no claim to your content outside of this site.
Photos you post on our website may contain EXIF metadata that includes some personal information about you as well as your location. If this concerns you, here is what we can and cannot do with EXIF data in photos, and how you can control what EXIF data, if any, gets in photos.
1. We cannot legally strip EXIF data from photos posted on our website because the FBI considers a third party deliberately stripping EXIF data from photos to be a copyright infringement and a possible prison offense. Altering metadata on photos we don't own is illegal. We do not make EXIF data in photos posted on our website directly available in any way through our website software, but a tech-savvy person can display EXIF data in photos you post.
2. Unless your camera is GPS enabled, your photos will not have location information. For cameras that are GPS enabled (cell phones and some feature-laden newer cameras), if you are concerned about location data in your photos being a privacy violation, then turn this feature off.
3. Photoshop has the ability to remove EXIF data from photos. Just Google "Photoshop remove EXIF". Again, if you don't want this data in the photos you post, then it is your responsibility to remove it.
>> Posts index
Recent Blog posts:
How does one access the
"MRH Advertiser forum", or the "Hobby event notices forum" from the main page?
Bob Hayes
Event Notices
Are on a drop down tab at the top of the page (above the banner). Hover over News/Events and there is a drop down for Event Notices. Not sure about the Advertiser's Forum.
Building a TOMA HO Scale '70s/80s era
What constitutes "non-profit" hobby events?
Most shows and many clubs charge an admission to at least cover costs. The annual Railfair in Ottawa makes a profit, which goes back the sponsoring clubs. But those clubs are themselves non-profit, and the Railfair money just goes into the operating budget. I assume you mean "not a business"?
It's a shame
It's a shame you had to take the time to tell others to be civil to one another.
Bob Langer,
Facebook & Easy Model Railroad Inventory
Photographs removed from Photobucket.
Okay ... fixed a couple things
Okay, fixed a couple things.
1. There's now only one comment box on this page.
2. Go to Advertisers > MRH Advertiser posts to bring up the advertiser forum with a single click.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Sounds fair and reasonable...
my only question is, how do regular subscribers know whom are the official Community Leaders?
my only question is, how do
Well, they wear sunglasses.....like you, Have short cropped hair....(again like you) and wield a huge baseball bat that you cannot see in your picture.
MODERATOR NOTE: We deleted your signature image because it was the Photobucket ransom image.
MRH certified?
Are these the "official" answers to my question?
...Sounds more like vigilante than leader...wields a huge bat, good one! [wink]
Ok, I can see where this could be heading in the right direction...but I'm not sure I understand the underlined portion of this answer.
By this definition, the term, Community Leader seems to have a fairly all-encompassing scope then.
One of the improvements with the new site
One of the improvements with the new site will be a "user panel" on posts that lists the user's role. The roles will be:
Newcomer - just registered and with us for less than 3 months.
Regular - with us 3 months or more.
Veteran - with us 2 years or more.
Volunteer - someone who has helped us at shows or otherwise done a lot to help promote MRH.
Author - published author in MRH.
Moderator - deputized veteran or volunteer, able to help ride herd on the site.
Advertiser - someone who represents an MRH advertiser.
Staff - MRH official staff.
Note these are listed in order of increasing priority - for example, an Author may also be a Moderator - Moderator trumps author, so their role will be Moderator rather than Author.
Some sites give users stars for posts or have user points - we're not into that. We believe it creates a lot of chaff on the site as people try to artificially generate a high post count. We're more interested in recognizing you for hanging around or for helping out the cause in some tangible way.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
I like it...
I'm glad MRH is sticking to their decision to NOT have a post count.
I like the direction you are going with the user panel. Since some users could be veterans, volunteers, authors, moderators and maybe even advertisers, I think ideally, that it would be neat to be able to hover over or click, etc. on the users role and see which of the role designations apply to a given user.
I'm not trying to make work for you or anything, I just think it would be nice to be able to tell if a user who is a moderator is also an author etc. Maybe in a future update?
Either way, it's an exciting time to be a part of the MRH community. Thanks for the info Joe.
Years registered
The number of years registered can be deceiving. I have been registered over a year but replied very little and started a thread even less.
I certainly agree with the above. I have seen responses on other forums that consist of "don't know" or "don't care" or something else as stupid.
Bob Langer,
Facebook & Easy Model Railroad Inventory
Photographs removed from Photobucket.
Why years registered matters
The reason years registered matters is that would mean you have hung around long enough you know the ropes. Even if you haven't posted much, you still "get it" as a regular, and that's what should matter.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
I have always hated the point
I have always hated the point system as I have belonged to a few forums over the years that gave merit and a number count of (1) one point for every time thay posted anything including multiple spamming a single post so not point system is great as it will keep the Band space down and spammers at bay.
this make more sense than anything I've seen in any forum before. That's as long as the Moderators understand their job and the members under stand the rules. so far MRH forums has been a pleasant informative and friendly place to talk about and learn about our hobby.
The one thing I have found on other forums that helped Keep things civil is members were labeled as Sr. Staff, Moderators, Jr.Staff, Controllers and Peace Keepers that label was just under the members name so others would know when they were asked to cool down or told that what they had posted was in violation of MRH rules they would understand that a moderator was looking out for the well being of MRH and not just hopped up on to much Coffee.
Joe you said that new forums were coming soon or something to that effect any advanced hints as to what they will consist of?
Rio Grande Dan
The new site
The new site will be available for preview before we switch over to it. It has many new features, which includes:
- enhanced forums
- enhanced blogs
- clearer distinction between blogs and forums
- enhanced private messaging
- far simpler posting of images
- dynamic header has become dynamic slideshow, which includes ads
- topical banner ads on threads
- enhanced editor with built-in spell checker
Although the new site does have ads, they're very classy. We have a prototype of the site in operation now and I find the ads really complement the site instead of annoy the heck out of you.
I hate ad junkyard sites as much as anyone, so you can be sure the ads on the MRH website will be done in a classy, helpful way.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Need a beta tester?
I would love to have early access to the beta site and give you feedback!!!
There was a thread with a discussion on copyright law.
I don't remember where it was, but figured this is probably a good thread to address any questions on the issue. In another thread, there is a link to an article originally published in Railmodel Journal. Since it was a link, I would presume that any copyright infringement issues would fall on the location linked to rather than to the MRH site, is that correct? What are copyright laws concerning articles in now defunct magazines? I'm talking about magazines that simply went out of business, not those that may have been bought out and absorbed by magazines still being published.
Notification or daily summary?
It would be very nice to be notified if someone replied to a comment or post. This could even be a daily summary of posts tracked if there are people interested in many active topics or blogs.
Thanks for making this site better and better. MRH gives me way more that what I get from paid publications.
Neil Erickson, Hawaii
Neil Erickson, Hawai’i
My Blogs
How many of you agree with this statement................
"I would post more pictures if it was not such a convoluted process."
I belong to Train Orders (annual subscription) for both prototype and model info. Posting photos is drop dead easy. As a result I notice on average there are pictures in at least 50% of the posts.
Joe, I'm glad to see us moving in this direction!!
"I would post more pictures
Well, I don't agree with it. I don't find the process convoluted at all. I've been on other sites where you had to post your pictures on a third party site then link to them there. Now THAT'S convoluted.
One of the things I specifically LIKE about this current system is that you don't need to re-upload a picture to use it again. There have been several times I've used the same picture in different threads, to illustrate different points. This is easy to do, and requires no extra bandwidth.
And honestly... we don't NEED pictures in EVERY post. Not everyone has a fast broadband connection, and pictures eat bandwidth - especially the larger 10 Mpixel+ ones more common these days. Now if we could just get people used to the idea of making a short, photo-less post at the beginning of a thread, and putting their pictures in the first reply to it so that it doesn't have to reload on every new page of a thread...
Read my Journal / Blog...
Digitrax & JMRI NRail T-Trak Standards
T-Trak Wiki My T-Trak Wiki Pages
Ideally the software running the forum should recognize that it is not on page 1 of a thread and use the truncated summary view of the post. It knows from the URL what page it is on, and it knows what summary view is, so this should be possible without teaching the user anything.
- Bill
Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, & owner of Precision Design Co.
I don't agree on this either!
What could be more eay than "drag and drop" from your picture file on your computer to your post?
Using Firefox, it is that easy.
Bob Bochenek
Chicago Yellowstone and Pacific Railroad
"Now if we could just get
I think that's something we all learn after we make a post and see it repeating the photos on every page........DaveB
Read my blog
Well I'll be damned..........
I must have missed those instructions. Way cool, thanks, Peter
Pictures are not that hard
Pictures are not that hard once you get used to the process, and video is not too tough either. There is a learning curve with all of them it is just learning which one works here.
The copy and paste part works ok as well, hope you don't mind Vern, that I borrowed you track plan for illustration purposes. I initially had lots of problems doing this in the past but once you learn the system that works here it seems to be very easy.
It is also easy to control the size of the image so it fits on the page the way you desire with a minimum of work.
Rob in Texas
prep for an operating session • Delving into the past • The club blog
Bob, thanks again.................
.........for that tip. It's funny but it only works here on MRH. Tried MTJ, and Railline Forums. (got the boot from OGR so I didn't even try it). Talk about "Elitist"!!
Cross-posting etiquette?
Despite being on this site for over 6.5 years, I am unsure what the etiquette is regarding duplicate postings. That is, if I want to post something to my running blog, but I think it has value for others on a specific topic who may or may not have interest in following my personal blog, is it considered ok to post the same article both in my blog and separately as an independent Topic posting? Or is that bad form?
Proprietor - Northern New England Scenic (V3). N scale NH B&M Eastern and western coastal routes in the late 1950s.
It's OK by me...
I'm on an internet diet, so the only railroad site I follow is this one. I only see blogs when there is a link.
The only official rules I've seen are the usual copyright and competition stuff.
It's called the web for a reason
General internet etiquette is to post a link to the info, don't duplicate it except to pull a short quote for context.
To show this is the way the web is supposed to work, Google penalizes duplicate posts but rewards links in their search engine.
Post a link to the info, don't make a duplicate post.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Is there a way?
Hi Joe and other forum-savvy operators here,
Is there a way I can post a direct link to an individual posting?
The purpose would be something along the lines of...
"This was recently covered here at (insert direct link to post here) for more infornation ..."
The best I have been able to do so far is post a link to the page containing the individual post. This goes something like..
" This was recently covered here at (insert forum page link here) and scroll down to (insert topic here) for more information..."
It is not urgent, I'm sure it can wait until the current festivities are over,
John Garaty
Unanderra in oz
Read my Blog