Prototype information

Prototype Railroad Forum
And here we now have a forum for Prototype Railroading... this isn't meant to be exclusive to the rivet counters, but as a place where all can learn and pass on information on prototype practices.
Chasing narrow gauge in Chile
I spent several years working on and off in Chile. There is an extensive narrow gauge network in the northern part of the country. I managed to see a little of it. More here:

A useful and free diesel locomotive reference book
Found this quite by accident tonight surfing looking for the name of a brake part on an Alco truck.
Found it quite useful and downloaded.
Very useful diesel locomotive reference book (free)
Sammamish River Crossing
One of the universal problems with any layout is making access points to the layout, and retaining function of the space that the layout is in. In the same way, my outdoor layout needs access to the backyard. When I designed the track plan, I designed it to have as few duckunders as possible. However, one area that I couldn't eliminate or make into a nod under was the main walkway into the backyard. See top right of track plan below.

RS-1 Horns
Does anyone know which horns were used on RS-1s? Specifically C&NW and SOO RS-1s.

Why Their are 'Foreign Flag' Locos on our Local Flag Tracks
I thought this was an interesting video that explained the 'intermixing' of various flag locos on various companies' tracks,..

Denton Montana hit by Wildfire
This might not be the ideal place for this thread, but out here in Montana the small town of Denton has been hit by a wildfire.
It's pretty unusual to have something like this happen out on the prairie in December, but I guess the record drought and high winds overwhelmed whatever crews were assigned to the fire. There's no loss of life, so far, but at least 24 residential structures have been lost.

What's on Your Workbench - December 2021
Is it really December? Let's see your latest layout and workbench projects! Share your notes and photos on this forum thread.
Eric Hansmann
Contributing Editor, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:

QTTX 12 axle depressed center flat car brake piping
I am getting back to work on a pair of Walther's heavy-duty 12 axle depressed center flat cars. The brake stuff is on the deck, topside, and I'd like to model the piping. I've found a few photos on the interwebs but wondered if there have ever been drawings published in any model magazines on these cars. Even better, if someone has done this and can share some photos of what they did.
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