Craig Townsend's blog
Sammamish River Crossing
One of the universal problems with any layout is making access points to the layout, and retaining function of the space that the layout is in. In the same way, my outdoor layout needs access to the backyard. When I designed the track plan, I designed it to have as few duckunders as possible. However, one area that I couldn't eliminate or make into a nod under was the main walkway into the backyard. See top right of track plan below.
BN 8th Sub 1/29 Scale (Outdoors) Blog List
Enjoy the ramblings of a large scale modeler and the great outdoors in Western Washington. Modeling a former BN branchline on the eastside of Seattle.
BN 8th Sub (Issaquah Branch) 1/29 Scale (Outdoors)
I've never taken the time to draw up a track plan for the layout, but I finally sat down and drew up a track plan of the layout I'm building. Details to follow in next post to keep the lead post clean.
Track Plan Critique
I need some honest, but constructive critiques of a large scale, outdoor layout. I will post more info in the following post about era, location, prototype, etc.
This track plan is based on the amount of available space at our current house. If we end up staying, we will be adding an addition(as noted on the drawing). Should we move, I would use this same plan, and locate on the property a 80' tangent.
What potential problems am I missing?
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