mesimpson's blog
Chasing narrow gauge in Chile
I spent several years working on and off in Chile. There is an extensive narrow gauge network in the northern part of the country. I managed to see a little of it. More here:
Weathering some Rapido GP20 tank cars
Rapido Model Trains recently released a nicely rendered model of the Procor GP20 20,000 gallon general purpose tank car. These were ubiquitous in my modelling era and locale so I need a bunch of them. I decided to try my hand at weathering them and they turned out pretty nicely. More here:
Improving your hopper fleet with etched end cages - Slabside edition
I used the recently released Black Cat Decals etched end cages for slabside hoppers to fix up a TLT car. These can also be used on F&C and Sylvan kits as well. More here:
CN 57' Auto Transporter build
I recently finished a 3 car set of Sylvan Scale Models CN 57' Automobile Transporter cars. I modified the underframe based on prototype photos I took of several cars that are still in service on the Hudson Bay Railway in northern Manitoba. I'm quite happy with how they have turned out.
CP Arbutus Spur in Vancouver BC
The Canadian Pacific Arbutus spur lasted until May 2001. It had a long history as both an interurban line as well as a freight line for the BC Electric, BC Hydro and Canadian Pacific Railway. It had a lot to offer both in the historic and modern eras. It would be a nice small switching layout. More here:
US Army Munitions Depot Railroad in Hawthorne Nevada
Switching Army munitions as a small model railway? Sounds interesting.
Canadian Pacific gondola weathering
Even the competition gets some attention on the odd occasion. I have been on a freight car weathering binge and the latest victims are my small fleet of CP gondolas.
Railgon weathering
I mustered up the courage to do some weathering on my Arrowhead Models Railgons. These were the most expensive freight cars on my roster so a bit twitchy about doing it. I think they turned out fairly well. More here:
Ferromex in Mazatlan - a GE haven
Mazatlan was a Super 7 and Dash 7 haven in the late 1990's. If you want to model with a GE focus then Ferromex might be a good choice. More here:
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