Layout design

My Layout design Blog
If you have been reading my blogs you know I have been doing most of my model railroading on a club layout and building models for my future layout. Now it is time to begin the design work on the layout and the structure that will house it. This will be a bit unusual in that I am not going to be filling the space with track work diagrams and the related flipping and shifting of components that seems to follow these things. At least initially it will be more strategic than tactical. Goals for the layout will be established, givens and druthers will also be addressed and operational aspects.
The S&NE Railway
I’ve posted the beginnings of a new journal on the new (temporary) forum site. I hope you will check it out and comment!
Thanks for looking.
New Modeler Switching Plan
Hello Everyone, I am new to modeling (I did have a layout as a kid though) and for the last little while have been thinking of starting a new layout. After spending time deciding what i want to do I decided on a small 9ft long shelf layout. Don't want to get overwhelmed with a larger layout, and more interested in the modeling.

IAIS's 4th Sub - UP acquires the RI after all?
As I've mentioned in other posts, I'd been struggling a lot since our move over whether to backdate to the early 1980s or continue with the IAIS, and I've reached a decision that would allow me to potentially do both if the pull to backdate becomes too strong at some point. Since this rural line saw very few changes between the 1980 loss of the RI and my May 2005 era, I can move back-and-forth between eras by doing little more than swapping out equipment and vehicles. However, since I'm much more of a fan of the UP than I am of the RI, I decided that a sligh
Perks of a Small Model Railroad
Perks of a Small Model Railroad - Today I am talking about the perks of a small model railroad. I am a huge fan of small model railroads. They are an excellent way to be involved in the hobby. They actually have some benefits over large model railroads. Today we discuss them.
My freelance NS and CSX railroad.
Welcome to the Schmidt Division of CSX and the Berry Division of NS in HO Scale.
The name of Schmidt for the CSX division is named after my late grandfather who worked for the railroad for 50 years. The name of Berry for the NS division is named after a close friend of mine who honestly got me back into train both model and prototypes.

This is a question for those people who use clocks during their operating session, regardless whether they are fast clocks or 1:1 clocks.
I model the 1900 era and I want to have clocks in the layout room to coordinate operations.
I have several options on clocks:

Siskiyou Line 2 update as of July 2021
Before I decided to dismantle my Siskiyou Line layout, MRH began promoting a home layout building scheme we called TOMA — The “One Module” Approach. Modelers were happy to learn about TOMA as we explored it with a TRAINMASTERS TV project layout series, which we completed.

I always wanted a staging/fiddle yard.
Since the modeled portion of my layout depicts from New Windsor to Highfield, how to represent the eastern end where it connects to CSX was always problematic. My layout is in a finished portion of my attic and there is a ten foot section where the roof is a 45 degrees down to a hip-wall. Incorporating this into the layout was difficult. I finally tackled the project and built a shelf along the wall with a lift-out section to be able to access the attic storage area.
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