Layout design

Installed -Tri-County CO-OP Control Panel with Programming Track
Just completed installation of the control panel with programming track for the Tri-County CO-OP on my layout, the Trenton Subdivision in N Scale.
The Shortest (Model) Run-around...?
Dear MRHers,
OK, here's one for the "can conceptualise in isolation" layout designer, trackplanner,
and specifically the "trackplanning for operations" modellers...

IAIS's 4th Sub - Layout tour
Now that the stained ties make it easier to see the tracks, I thought I'd do a quick drone tour to show how everything fits together on the new layout. Photos to follow in the first reply, but here's the layout plan again to help make sense of it all.
What ever happened to Trevor Marshall's S scale layout.
I read the Trevor had to tear down his layout, but can't find any info on if he will be putting it back together or what happen to his rolling stock and motive power.
Being Satisfied
After much hemming and hawing I am settled that I've maxed out the potential for this space. Time to develop an operating scheme that covers the ent

Installing Facia with a Hospital Table
Installing facia on my layout, the Trenton Subdivision in N scale. I’m using 1/8 inch mahogany plywood screwed to the cross bracing. I have left room above the screws to attach a removable plexiglass shield.
HO Scale Locomotive/Car Height
I found information online that from NMRA?, I think, that says the max height of an HO scale locomotive is usually 3 5/32 (3.15625). Is that rule generally held to? Or is there height variation, especially on the high side?
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