
Due to a derailment NYS&W SU99 is detouring over the Jersey Northern, here it is departing Franklin N.J. enroot to Port Jervis N.Y. on the Jersey Northern. The Jersey Northern is a freelance point to point HO layout. It connects the NYS&W at Beaver Lake N.J. and Conrail at Port Jervis N. Y., fourteen on line industries generate lots of traffic.

See the Jersey Northern at


The word is out; railfans are chasing SU99 on its way to Port Jervis and catch it at North Church on the Jersey Northern.


Railfans catch SU99 meeting LVT (Libertyville Turn) in Beaver Lake about to cross the Wallkill River bridge on its way to Port Jervis on the Jersey Northern.


SU99 emerges from the tunnel at the east end of Colesville and crosses CR519.


Railfans have set up east of the Brink Road crossing and catch SU99 taking the main at Colesville while FK3 holds on the passing siding.


A favorite railfan spot “with permission” is the dock at L Burd Bait & Boat rental by the Delaware River Bridge on the Jersey Northern. Here they catch SU99 in a meet with CVT (Colesville Turn).


The railfans finish the chase on the Jersey Northern catching SU99 at the Port Jervis yard limit while holds for the yard goat to complete a switching move.


Watch for more of the Jesrsy Northern and see the Jersey Northern at and also on the Jersey Northern YouTube channel.


Jersey Northern RR

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Grade crossing

Nice looking grade crossings and great photo angle.  I hope we will see more of your layout. 

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Jersey Northern

Thanks; you will be seeing more of my layout. I will be posting additional pictures of SU99 on its way to Port Jervis along with more of the layout. I shot this with my new Samsung Note 5 phone I think it takes better pictures than my digital cameras.



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4th Street rebuilt.

I have been reconstructing 4th Street as I was not pleased with how it was coming out. I originally had a house on one side and was going to put a fire house or gas station on the other. The tower which I started to build will be behind the yard office. The grade crossing has four tracks and I am installing working gates and lights. Due to the complex crossing controls it was going to require 18 sensors to operate three grade crossing pro's. I was reading notes for some CSX grade crossings in Tampa and found they were using a radio key code to activate some crossing. Im now going to use a stationary decoder and one grade crossing pro. Approaching trains will activate the crossing using the decoder. 

Here are some photos of the new 4th Street.



I will be adding some shrubs, trees, power poles and lines along with some more details. I also will be installing the controls for the grade crossing.

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