Layout design
Hello everybody,
My name is Jacques from Mauritius, I have this JOUEF turntable(see picture) and I want to make it work using an ARDUINO and a stepper motor. For your info I have the arduino and one 5 wire stepper motor which I got from an old FAX machine. What I want to do is very simple, I have 6 sheds for 6 loco, I want to use a 6 positions rotary switch, so that I can move the bridge to the 6 positions foreward and backwards.

POLL: Which Design Should I Continue Building??
Please VOTE (and provide feedback if you have a moment longer) on these two choices for a layout design.
Which layout do you think I should continue building? LIMITATIONS due to what has been finished to date are (read, "No way am i changing it.") :
- All the bench work and base layer of 2" foam;
- Lift bridge with track
- 3' x 4' module, with 130' remote Turntable and 7-stall Roundhouse
The first layout shown is what I originally intended.
Couple Papermill Pictures from Above
Just some photos I got that I thought might be interesting to some.
Bascule Bridge as Lift Gate to Room Access
Has anyone contemplated or have experience using the Walthers Bascule Bridge (933-3070) as a swing up gate for room access? The Walthers web page shows the opening after the approach is 21.5 inches. I was considering expanding the opening of the bridge using balsa wood to 28 or 30 inches. I could then use the bridge as the access point to the interior of the track area. I may have to increase the counter weight and hopefully I would not have to add a larger lift motor. Thoughts???-
Back to model railroading
After a bit of a break from model railroading. I'm starting to think about renewing my interest in it. Now that I have finished playing around with a car that I bought last year and brought it up to where I'm happy with it. I can start to focus on enjoying this hobby again.
I have downgraded my space to 14x12. with room to re install a 30" helix from my last layout that I saved.
San Joaquin Valley Railroad in HO
I am soon to take possession of a 20’ x 20’ fully finished train room with a house attached to it, so planning a new layout has begun, and I'm interested in the community's constructive comments. The next post shows a floorplan of the space.

Taking it on the road, again
Good morning all,
Last week, a group of modular minded modelers gathered for a 3 day "invitational" event in SE Indiana. Pictures and video link to follow.
Thanks in advance for looking!
Tim Moran Akron, OH

Wye Not?
CN, CP, BNSF and Skytrain converge at the Wye at Sapperton Channel, New Westminster, BC. Many more photos and details in the thread below. Re-arranged this thread so it's not so long as the opener.
Help needed with Atlas Controller and Selector
Greenstar of the White Lion Railways here

Dbl-crossover, 2 Single crossovers, or 1 Single crossover?
Dbl-crossover, 2 Single crossovers, or 1 Single
I've come to laying track in this corner/side of my layout, and very soon need to make a decision on this cross over situation I have. Here is the area I am speaking of
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