Ken Rice's blog
Low Temp Solder Experiments
After having read about the marvels of low temp solder in a couple MRH-RE columns ( I've been looking forward to trying it for myself. I ordered a new iron (Hakko FX888D) to replace my ancient weller, and I ordered a couple types of low temp solder from Digikey:
A Screw On Lead Extension
The switching lead on my mini test layout would be pathetically short without an extension. Since I expect to carry the module up and down stairs and round corners, the extension has to be removable. I wanted it to lock nicely into place and be easy to install and remove. I ended up using a threaded insert and a screw with a knob.
Here's a side view of the extension installed.
A Mini Test layout
The astute observer may have noticed I haven't posted about any layout progress for quite some time, and wondered if this was because I was busily building the Eastborough Industrial, or if I was still waffling.
It's the latter.
I'm happy with the track plan, the only minor reservation I have is Trans Plastics - that's a lot of cars (somewhere around 20) for a medium amount of operating interest. I've had thoughts of substituting a smaller plastics industry. But that's not what's holding me up.
NYS&W New York Mills Industrial - the layout I won't build
I should say up front that this is not the model railroad I am going to build. I'll explain why below. But it was a strong contender and I came close to building it.
The Eastborough Industrial
It's taken me far too long but I've finally narrowed in on what I really want out of this layout and have worked out a plan which I think I'll find fun and satisfying.
More in the first post...
Track planning with google maps
I’m in the planing phase for an around 3 walls freelance industrial switching layout. I prefer not to compress my industries much. I do like to know about the prototype for any given industry rather than just making them up. I have been fussing around in CAD for a while trying to find the best way to lay out the industries I thought I wanted in the space available, and not really converging on something I was happy with.
So I decided to try something completely different.
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