
Recent Layout Projects

2nd Video Camera Car build

FYI:  This is my build for the 2nd video Camera car.

The 1st Video camera car works great and nothing is wrong with its performance.  The Car and Video Camera combination are a solid and stable platform able to get multiple angles and the ability to quickly turn the camera around without removing the car from the layout.

So way build a 2nd Video Camera car?

A1:  Having two Video camera cars rove the layout at Ops night might = Twice the fun like the double mint twins.

Bernd's picture

Stack Focusing

After taking pictures outside with my unfinished diorama a close look at the pictures shows very little depth of field, I discovered I had my F stop setting wrong. I had forgotten that a large F stop number closes the iris down for better depth of field. I also discover that the Cannon Power Shot SX20IS only has a max setting of F8. Hardly good for great field of depth. So off I went searching for a Stack focusing program. I found one here.

Portable, temporary HO layout that can exist outdoors

Aloha all,

Here's the nuts and bolts. Summer means very little indoor model railroading (especially in the Northern climates where summer means the outside is finally celebrated with less than 5 layers of clothing). 

Trak Work Kits installed in the Walthers Hi Level El Cap cars

The Walthers cars can be enhanced with the Trak Works installation kits.  The glazing was done using Alclad to tint the windows.  The interiors are lighted and riders installed. '



How to disassemble Walthers Hi level car

Has DCC Failed Us? Article posted on

I had a moment to write a bit of a commentary and reflect a bit on DCC over the past 20 years to now.

In response to my article, Dave Falkenberg asked me to what wifi control system I was looking into trying out. In terms of comparison only. It's nice to look at control systems for the other hobby markets. These are two that I found that had ether immediate potential usage or possible usage in the future with possible reduction in unit size.

Hobby King 4Ch WiFi Receiver

San Pablo Valley Railroad #16

Yesterday I completed (well, nearly completed) the first locomotive actually lettered for my freelanced HOn3 railroad, the San Pablo Valley.


The locomotive started out as an unlettered Blackstone C-19.


And emerged from the SPV shops looking like this:

rickwade's picture

Richlawn RR V2 - Trackplan modified HOG draft version

A friend of mine has been helping me by doing CAD work on my trackplan which is a modification of Scott Perry's Heart of Georgia (HOG) layout.  This is a rough draft and isn't labeled but you can get a general idea.  I purposely am going with a simple layout to allow space for my pull out desk since this is also my office.  The orange track running around the top and right is an isolated Doodlebug track.Doodlebug track.

Pulling Empties


Follow Train DMSW-08 as it pulls two empties from Beisser Lumber in Grimes on the Iowa Interstate's Grimes Industrial Track.


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