rickwade's blog

Modeling my childhood home - Part 3: Figuring out dimensions
;I'll need dimensions to start the process of cutting out the parts. It's hard to believe how time flies, but it was 10 years ago that my wife, sister, and I visited my childhood home after contacting the current owner to get permission. She was very gracious and not only allowed us to take pictures of the outside but invited us inside to see the home. What a blast from the past! She has done a great job with the house and wanted me to send pictures of the finished model.

Modeling my childhood home - Part 2: Switching to traditional scratch built techniques
I got to thinking that if I was going to build many structures then the laser route was the way to go; however, I only plan on building this one structure so.....
I’ve decided to just scratch build it using pre-made brick sheets and styrene.
more to come...

Modeling my childhood home - Part 1: Leaning drawing software
For many years I have wanted to created a scale model of my childhood home to put on my layout. Here's the home:

Cover up! - sort of a "Reverse Running"? about covering up your beautiful landscape work.
Why in the world would you want to cover up your beautiful perfectly acceptable landscape work? I mean, you put a great deal of effort into it and now you're going to partially cover it with other stuff? Great rock work, backgrounds, fences, structures, etc.. obscured for no good reason?

Richlawn RR - Road rework & stone wall behind Fluke Transformer
When I added outdoor transformer storage by the Fluke Transformer structure it made it necessary to re-route the road by the tracks. I removed some of the poly fiber landscape and cut away the foam to allow clearance; however, with the narrower area I needed some kind of retaining wall. Carved foam to the rescue! I've used carved foam before (including on my previous railroad - click HERE to see a MRH magazine article).

Richlawn RR - Fluke Transformer Pallets and Transformers - *** UPDATE 6-8-18 Transformers on shelves & on concrete pad

Richlawn RR - *** ***UPDATE 3-21-18 tunnel through the mountain completed!

Richlawn RR - Laskey Cabinet Co. ***UPDATE 11-19-17 - Shelving ordered
***UPDATE 10-12-17 Transformers arrived - painting them
***UPDATE 10-10-17 - Transformers & shelving outdoor storage (Page 6 on this thread)
***UPDATE 7/8/17 - Adding dirt and weeds (Page 4 on this thread)
***UPDATE - added LEDs to the dock area

Scenery Levels - Improving the enjoyment of my Richlawn Railroad
I've recently been thinking about not only what I want to do on my layout, but more about how I want to do it and as a result I've started to enjoy my layout more by switching the way that I do things on my pike. Up until these past few months I've always worked a scenery area until I'm mostly satisfied. Notice that I said that "mostly" - that's because I'll never be completely satisfied! I would work continuously on a small area spending months (years?) before moving on.

Hoovertown - ** UPDATE Hoovertown street lighting almost done
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