CN Longview Sub

Well it has been almost a year since my last post, so I thought I would give an update as to my progress on the CN Longview Sub.  The first post and a brief outline of the layout can be found here.


Bench work has been progressing nicely so far.  I have the northern staging yard complete, as well as the 1.5 turn helix that brings the mainline to the upper level.  The mainline currently enters the "scenic" (plywood pacific at the moment) part of the layout just north of the Cochrane North siding switch. 




Sorry for the low quality photos, having some camera issues.  Here is an overview of what is complete so far.  On the left is the north staging yard (Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg and beyond).  At the top of the photo, the main leaves staging and proceeds through the 1.5 turn helix, 2 percent grade.  The layout will eventually follow the wall around the room, come above the staging yard, then proceed behind the camera on the left side and pop out on the right side.




The GP38-2W is basically sitting where the scenery will begin for the layout.  The helix will eventually be covered once I'm confident with the track (so far so good), and will become a base for some industries that I have planned for Cochrane.


That's about it for now.  For those wanting a track plan, I have rough sketches, but I'm trying to work on a finalized product to post.



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