bkempins's blog

10 Year After Action Review
Here is a little follow up to my video post about my 10th Anniversary. You military folks know about After Action reviews. here is mine.

USMRR Aquia Line is 10 Years Old
I made a short video commemorating the 10th anniversary of my O Scale model railroad. It includes some special guest appearances.
You can see it here
Try it in HD and full screen.

Alexandria Waterfront Diorama is finished
I finished the diorama for the Lyceum, Alexandria's City Museum. I will deliver it on Wednesday. The diorama is an N Scale depiction of the Alexandria waterfront in 1855. There is a locomotive works, coal yard and grain elevator show on the diorama. It will go on display in the museum in a few weeks. Here is a shot showing the grain elevator.

Adding fences to the Port of Los Angeles Layout
I started adding fences to my PoLA layout. I ended up designing and etching my own fences as I wanted the barbed wire as an integral part of the fence. I also designed some gates to go with the fences. The fences will be available for sale from Alkem Scale Models if you want to try some yourself. http://alkemscalemodels.biz/chain-link-fence/

A typical day on the USMRR Aquia Line
If you are interested in civil war railroad operations I posted a good amount of data showing a typical day on the USMRR Aquia Line on my blog. http://www.usmrr.blogspot.com/…/a-day-of-operation-on-usmrr…

PoLA Paving Proceeds Per Plan
When your layout is mostly paved surfaces, you have to make the pavement look real and interesting. I started the detailing of the pavement on my PoLA project layout. (PoLA = Port of Los Angeles)
Bernard Kempinski

Flying Planes over Model Trains
A little fun with my video camera and green screen.

New floor and skirts
The layout room is starting to look presentable. I added new flooring and skirts over the past few days.
see http://www.usmrr.blogspot.com/2015/09/dont-spill-paint-on-it.html for more info.

Almost done with the Brooke scene
The Brooke scene is coming together. Next decision, should I paint a sign on the side of the tobacco prizery (warehouse/factory)? I am thinking something like this would be cool.
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