bkempins's blog

Potomac Creek Station Scenery
Work progressing on the layout. Potomac Creek Station scene is getting final scenery.
See for more photos and in progress work. http://usmrr.blogspot.com

Milestone - finished benchwork
We hit a milestone on the layout last week. All bench work and basic terrain shaping is done. It's starting to look like something other than a pile of lumber and cardboard webs.
I also had fun making a water-powered grist mill for the layout. Here is an in-progress shot.

Prairie Sentintel
A film made in 1981 at the Canadian Film Board website showing the operations at a typical grain elevator in Canada.

What is a Museum Quality Model?
This question comes up frequently. In doing some research for ship models on my layout I came across this US Navy document. It is interesting. Note the lack of styrene as an acceptable material. Also gives you an idea why government contracts are so expensive, note the documentation section.

Steel Mill Book Is released
Kalmbach announced today that my Steel Mill book is released
If you ordered from me, I have not received my copies yet. I should get them soon and will shipped the signed copies ASAP. It's not too late to order one from me as I will keep some in stock.
I hope you like it. Doug Gurin, founder of the LDSIG, commented that it is the best illustrated Kalmbach Book he has seen when he reviewed a copy.

Preview of my steel mill modeling book
Kalmbach posted a pdf file with a preview of my steel mill modeling book. It's 8 pages from different parts of the book. The link is here:

New HO Scale Goggle Valve Detail Kit
For those building HO scale blast furnace models, Alkem Scale Models now offers
a Goggle Valve detail kit. This laser cut multimedia kit is an HO scale model of
a 72 inch goggle vale. It is designed to fit the stock pipes of the Walthers HO
Scale Blast Furnace model. The detail kit provides all the parts to build a
detailed replica of these important components of a blast furnacel.
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