Personal journal (editorial or commentary)

geoffb's picture

Scale Model Animation 7 – Just for Fun! Smallest Scale Model Animation Ever?

Model animation—bringing models to life—adds enormously to the interest and enjoyment of any layout or individual model! This entry demonstrates the use of a different type of LED lighting that most people likely have not considered. It also may be the smallest scale model animation ever?

Waiting to Complete the Last Move of the Day

Pembroke: A Young Helper

Soldering is child's play

I worked from home today (it was our annual pretend earthquake), and so, we finished homework long before bed time. "Would you like to play on the iPad or come and help me do some soldering?" I asked the boy.

"Hmmm..." (weighs the options carefully) "Help with soldering!"

Three Steps Forward.....

....aaaand two steps back.

I should really post more than once a year. But: Real Life. And spare time spent working on the layout instead of blabbing about it.

Anyway, an overview of progress to date:

tschwartz's picture

Building a GE 85 ton steeple cab: Now completed

Well both of my 85 ton steeple cabs are now complete. 

They are the same yet different.

I decided to detail them differently and including pantograph, man position, number position.

rickwade's picture

Weekend Photo Fun 9-27 to 9/29/13

O.K. kids!  It's that time again for your photos.  I titled mine "Bunch-O-Dumpsters".  My good modeling friend Kevin Klettke scratch build these wonderful dumpsters and sent them to me.  I made a mold and cast a bunch of them out of resin. That pink thing in the foreground is the mold with two dumpsters ready to be poped out.  Most went to Kevin and I kept a few.  Thanks, Kevin!

edfhinton's picture

Adventure in soldering

Well, today was the day I try out soldering for the first time.  Here I am in my 50s and it just isn;t something I'd done before.  I had started out by buying this Weller variable wattage soldering setup from Micro-Mark:,9257.html

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