Personal journal (editorial or commentary)
Short video on portable layout design
I'm new to the forum and to modelling in general. I'm making a short video blog as my boys and I progress with our build. No doubt there will be many mistakes made but we're just having a bit of fun with it and learning as we go. Please check out my video if you have a spare 3mins.
Cornhill & Atherton - "The Blob"
This may look a little odd ..................
The Cornhill & Atherton is a double deck RR in 11' x 9' - so space is tight.
The Helix takes up a lot of room, so to avoid losing valuable real estate, Atherton yard sits on top of the Helix.
Disguising a helix is difficult unless you have a lot of space to mold some kind of mountain around it.
The bit of scenery below (nicknamed "The Blob" for now) is intended to try to convey a sense of a mountain top in a very very small amount of space.
Custom Decals Arrived
Got my order for custom decals in the mail this week! Just wanted to say: Thanks to all who have participated in the MRH Forums/Discussions about custom decals. From all I read on got me motivated, finally.
Also thanks to MRH I found Bill Brillinger, a frequent poster who has a decal business that was recommended by other MRH posters.
Benchwork brackets
I had these brackets made to support the layout in the Emerson area, see trackplan, where I have work tables under the layout for my office and production space.
These brackets will support the layout without any obstruction underneath.
Modeling More Water on the 8th Sub
Since completing the Cedar Creek scene , I've worked on some additional watercourses. Cedar creek used epoxy resin, while these don't. I like injecting some variety.
Creating separate PDFs for MRH Magazine articles
First the disclaimer: Yes, I'm a little crazy, and yes this is extra work - but it's helpful to me and the way I do things.
I know that there are a number of indexes and search tools to find certain articles in MRH magazines, but in my old fashioned way I want to have separate PDF files of things that I find especially interesting so that I can easily browse through them.
Weekly Photo Fun locations
I have a request, perhaps it's just me but figure there is someone else out there thinking the same as me. Every weekend, the weekend photo fun topic starts up and almost every week it's in a different forum area. This week, it's in a blog post. Think we can have a set location for this topic, say in the Modeling General Discussion area ?
Richlawn RR V2 - Where's my soldering iron?
I'm at that important point in my railroad where I can actually start putting down some track! The problem is, I can't locate my soldering iron. I know that I packed it when we moved from Georgia to Florida, but I don't know which of the over 600 (that's right - 600) boxes it is in. Now I was very careful to label all of the boxes as to which were for the railroad; however, I didn't mark in detail the contents in each box. All of these boxes have been sitting on my selves in my new home garage waiting for me to unpack.
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