Personal journal (editorial or commentary)

rickwade's picture

I just told Blip that I'm unhappy with them!

I just sent opened a support ticket with Blip to tell them that I am unhappy about the way that they deleted the videos from MRH without first contacting them. I also advised them that I intent to put a posting on the home page of my web site advising about their behavior. I've had over 232,000 hits on my website thus far and hope that many people see the post. If you're unhappy with Blip's behavior I'd encourage you to let them know. Now, back to model railroading..........

Ancient Modeler's picture

Old Layout Photos Posted

I had a few folks ask through this forum if I had any photos of my previous Sn2 Gilpin Tram layout which I could share. I have posted them on my other blog site at Enjoy if you do visit.

Thanks, Darel

Syndic8r's picture

Freelanced BEDT waterfront railroad


I'm working on a shelf layout based loosely upon the Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal. I created a simplified track plan with some buildings representative of the era (mid-50's) and includes some structures that give a sense of time and location. My grandparents grew up in the Williamsburg neighborhood, so I plan on naming some of the businesses on the layout after family members or after actual businesses I remember my family talking about, seeing when I was a youngster, and from web research.

Ken Kaef's picture

A potted history & The Monday night mail

Please find the Monday Night Mail Train attached.


     Carrying on from my last blog, my other passion at present is travel. We have traveled to most parts of Australia and overseas we have been to the UK 8 times and to Ireland, Europe, South East Asia, New Zealand. Fiji, Hawaii, Canada and Alaska. In 2011 my wife and I bought a small motor-home in which we plan to explore the more "off the beaten track" places in Australia.

rblundon's picture

Walthers Wood Coal Tower Build

This is the Walthers Wood Coaling Tower that I am building and weathering for my layout. This is my first structure build and weathering attempt. I am following Ron Klaiss’ method located here

rickwade's picture

Richlawn RR V2 - Backdrop Junction self-adhesive backdrop test.

I'm still trying to decide what to do about a backdrop and thought that I would test the free sample that I received from Backdrop Junction.  My walls have a rough texture so I wasn't sure if the adhesive would stick and how it would look.  I applied a small sample and must say that the "bumps" in the wall texture don't look bad and may actually add a little 3-d effect to the trees.  Here are a couple of pictures that you can click on to enlarge.  We will see how well this sticks.

jlrc47's picture

Update On the HH&J RxR

Here are some videos of the progress new on our layout.

rickwade's picture

Life atop a 2" foam bench top - yes it is noisy

Since I've got the cork down and track glued to it I've been running trains on my 2" foam and yes, it is noisy.  I only run trains with 5 cars and a caboose at a very slow speed (due to the small size of the layout) and the noise is OK to my ears.  I can clearly hear the train wheels on the track.  I don't know how scenery will muffle (if any) the sound but I kind of like it!  Call me crazy!

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