Personal journal (editorial or commentary)

Trees Unlimited Logging and Sawmill

Some cabins for my Trees Unlimited logging line that I whipped up last weekend.

More information here.

tschwartz's picture

Building a GE 85 ton steeple cab: The First one is now complete

Well here it is, a completed GE 85 ton steeple cab.

Completed GE 85 Ton Steeple Cab

The decoder is in, lights work, some numbers on its sides and an engineer to drive it.

rickwade's picture

Weekend Photo Fun 9/20 - 9/22/13

Here's a loco that I just weathered using a rattle can, some of my wife's makeup, and 2" paint brush.  Just kidding!  Just getting the ball rolling!


Pembroke II: Big Hairy Audacious Goal

My friend, Mark Dance, is someone I admire. He is an amazingly productive model railroader: in less than eight years, he took his quadruple deck Columbia and Western from paper to the cover of Railroad Model Craftsman, and a regular feature on the local operating scene. When I asked him at this weekend's VanRail operating event how he does it, he responded that he basically makes a commitment with himself to finish something before an event, and then does it.

edfhinton's picture

Under layout staging benchwork complete

I happily can report that the next step of my early construction is complete - finishing building the under layout staging benchwork as well as cross bracing the island that is the start of the first visible level.

Here is the wide view (sorry about the shaky hands again.  I think I am going to start to have to put the camera on something stationary - though I think the jpeg file size reduction software I am using has some to do with it as well because the full size files are much better):

wp8thsub's picture

Milton - A Backdrop on the 8th Sub

I had a gap of about 30 feet in the backdrop between a the scene I completed most recently and one I last worked on just under a year ago.  I figured it was time to finally get this area complete.

Toniwryan's picture

Scratchbuilding structures, and track replaced

  Today I pulled the Shinohara code 70 flex track off of my two extension modules for the Woodland Fill, and re-laid it with Atlas code 55.  I also add some new strain reliefs and tidied up the wiring.

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