SteveWatson's blog
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I probably won't bother maintaining this going forward, but:
Bullfrog Madness!
This is my yard throat, and the lead to the service area. The turnouts are all Fast Tracks, and I'm using their Bullfrog system to control them.
Paper Mill Kitbash: Done for now, and a diversion
My kitbash of the Walthers papermill (which in my world represents just the offices and outbound warehouse) is done and in place. The core of the connecting bridge to the main plant is built, and awaits cladding in siding-type textured styrene:
Paper Mill Kitbash: Design and Oops
One requirement on this structure was that it be possible to pick it up to retrieve derailed cars inside, or on the staging track that passes beneath it at the rear. The stock kit builds into a compact rectangular box, which would be no problem. My version has two wings, with a big split in the floor where the track goes, which made worry that picking it up would put a strain on the middle of the building. So I ran two pieces of aluminum stock across to create a rigid spine, as seen here:
Paper Mill Kitbash
- The Walther's paper mill is nowhere big enough1.
- Why waste a perfectly good wall against the backdrop where it will never be seen?
Construction has been slow, because I am planning each move carefully, to avoid any "Oh %#@! it doesn't fit right!" moments. The result has been that on average about two pieces get added each day.
1 Actually, this is just going to be the admin and shipping building. The main machine building will be a big low-relief thing next to it.
Transformer Station
I already posted this on the April Workbench thread, but I thought I'd put a longer post here. I'm using the Model Power State Power Substation kit as the transformer yard for my paper mill (paper mills suck juice, easily enough to justify respectably large supply hardware). Model Power kits are a little...basic, but with some work they can look pretty good.
That feeling when...'re about to take a razor saw to a piece of a kit, not just random stock styrene.
It came out okay. Goal is the kitbash below. The Walthers papermill isn't really big enough to be convincing, so I'm re-purposing the back wall, which would be invisible anyway:
Adapting Kato decoder to Athearn engine (N scale)
I have a brace of Kato SD40s in Algoma Central colours that of course I always run together (which is not only prototypical, but necessary to haul a heavy train up my 2% grades). Both are equipped with Digitrax DN163K1C decoders, which is a drop-in replacement for the factory light board. Then one day, one of the locos stopped running. The lights worked, but not the motor. After a little experimentation, I determined that it worked fine running solo, but the minute I consisted it (using Advanced mode), it became no more than a pretty decoration.
It's Aliiiiiiiiivvvvve!
Got the Crest system installed in the G scale GP7 today. To our great surprise, it all just worked:
Some days, it looks like it might turn into a railroad
The helix is complete:
Track is laid to the end of the second level of the peninsula:
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