Layout design

jdaley's picture

CP's Area H Spur Update #1

Recent progress includes installing wall shelving, cutting and fitting layout base material (1 1/2" XPS pink wall insulation board) and installing LED lighting. (Images in first comment.)

TXTrainGuy's picture

Resuming the hobby...

Hi All,

After being on a hiatus for the past couple of years, I'm looking to resume where I left off.  The reason for putting a hold on the hobby is due to my being laid off, and with the hobby being as expensive as it is, I just didn't have the budget.  However, I'm glad to say that I've been working now for the past year or so, and I've come to a point where I'd like to resume where I left off.

Track Design Software

Hello All,

First post for me, and I am seeking a bit of design advice. Which track layout software does everyone use and why? I work on a PC platform, could use MAC if required. From looking at everyone's layout, they have modeled in several different programs. I have found a few, some are a bit more daunting than others.

My first module - Sunrise

It is amazing the effect sunlight has.

module, sunlight

bridge abutments, ground cover, sunlight, river gravel

Remodeling a bedroom for a shelf layout.

Hello everyone,

I am in the process of remodeling a bedroom and I am looking at ways to remodel it for a layout with less lift outs and more straight runs along the walls. The room is a typical 12' x 14' box. A 4' x 4' slider window is centered on the north wall. A 5' wide x 7' tall closet sits on the south end of the east wall. The 3' wide x 7' tall door sits on the west end of the south wall. 

Are there any articles online that give advice pertaining to remodeling the room for a layout?

Layout Height

Our kids are out of the house, and I have the opportunity to build my HO layout in the "play room" that is above our garage. The floor is 21' x 24', but the big problem is that the walls are not vertical. Well, they are vertical for 36", then vault 45 degrees up to 13' at the peak of the room. (See isometric drawing)

The only sure thing is change

Well having to dismantle the layout to get ready to move has given me the opportunity to do some redesign work as I was not really all that happy with some of the elements of the Kingsbury Branch.

jdaley's picture

Welcome to Canadian Pacific's Area H (Canpa Subdivision) Industrial Spur

After many years, I am finally graduating from armchair modeller/locomotive & rolling stock collector to layout builder and operator. Being an apartment dweller, space is at a premium for me, so N scale was the obvious choice.

I am basing my layout on Canadian Pacific's Area H Industrial Spur, located in Etobicoke, Ontario (map). Below is my finalized track plan.

jmt99atsf's picture

Layout Update - 12 December 2015: Union Station Yard Part 1

This is the update for 12 December 2015. The construction of the layout finally reached the Union Station (aka Kansas City Union Station) yard area in early December. I've left this area to the end because it will have the most complex construction piece, the engine facility in the middle of the east helix. Hopefully over the next couple of weeks, I can get a couple of tracks installed to join the layout from one end to the other. I am in the process of planning the design of the support structure for the engine facility that will be placed in the middle of the east helix.

trainmaster247's picture

My Layout (Yes My Layout!!) First Module Done (and review)

Thanks to Arizona Rock and Mineral my model railroad dream will become a reality. I am doing a product review on their ballast and ground cover which will be featured on my 2'x5' switching layout. Construction will begin Monday and I can't believe it is really happening!!!

The plan:


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