Layout design

Ideas in 4x8
I've been at this model railroading thing since I was 10 and I am nearly 50. In some ways I am still very much a newbie. I have been in and out of the hobby several times and I am trying to find my niche. I do like building structures and models in general. I don't find myself attracted to ultra detailed models. I admire those that do but I am very satisfied with a "good enough" approach to models. I do very much enjoy electronics (my previous vocation) and DCC is a ton of fun for me.

Colorado Front Range January update Locomotive Servicing Terminal and cove corner and backbrops
Finally got some time to get caught up and get this video done and up loaded. I hope you enjoy the update
Mike Deverell
[Embedded your video properly for you - Bill]

Rounding a corner on the BNML... the beginning of backdrops!
I'm beginning to work on the backdrops on my BNML. In this blog post I will share how I create the first of many curved corners on the layout.
I'll be starting on the Morris - St Jean curve. This is the long sweeping curve in the North East corner of my layout.
The Morris - St Jean curve is marked with a red arrow on the plan below.

REMINDER: Get your "One Module" challenge entry submitted!
We've received a number of "One Module" challenge entries - but the deadline of January 31 is fast approaching, so get your contest entry in!
Some of the submissions are excellent. Several reflect interesting and innovative thinking in module design and construction. I think you're going to enjoy our first "TOMA" layout design contest articles.

Which comes/came first? or both together?
Here is the situation. I have a track plan and as I am laying track I see a nice looking building kit I want on the layout or multiple buildings. Which means changing the track plan some or a lot.
How many modelers design a layout with specific buildings-structures in mind/on hand and design the track plan to accommodate the buildings. How many layout the track plan and find/assemble or scratch build structures to fit the track arrangement? Or do most plan and build together.
Protolance Diesel Shortline Roster options
Dear MRHers, Diesel shortline fans,
Was cruising thru this week's "WPF" thread and saw Kevin R's gorgeous shortline 70 tonners.
It started me thinking.

The Redwood Sub
This blog will chronicle the design and development of a proto freelance sectional layout in HO scale
Almost ready to start laying track
This long weekend I finished setting down the sub roadbed and making sure everything was glued down securely. Next step, drywall compound laid in the cracks between the pieces and all of the screw heads. Get that sanded so everything is perfectly smooth and flat as a piece of glass. Then dark brown paint on the entire length. Once that dries, its time to start drawing the track plan and laying track.
I did give some thought to actually hand-laying the track, but that thought lasted about 3 seconds! :-)
A hole in the street
Well this will work. Just use your imagination as you view the short video. Imagine the road surface is asphalt with plenty of potholes and broken pavement. The hole in the street will look just like a typical pothole. It it works great!

JL&T Railroad Blog - A few small alterations to the track plan...
After last Tuesday nights Ops session Brendan and I were talking about a few little additions to the new Rutherford Yard area that would make it operate easier and add to the operations side of the layout.
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