
For the BNSF Long Intermodal Lovers out there....


Today we have a long BNSF intermodal with CN helpers and distributed power. At the request of the community, this video will be reedited without the cross cuts at a later date. Enjoy! 

john445's picture

Red Eye Saloon

Still working on the country side of the layout. Started building the Red Eye Saloon by BTS. For non craftsman, the directions are fun to interpret, but making slow and steady progress. That piece to the left is a part can not figure out where it goes! :)

Goose in The Caboose Productions's picture

Trackwork For Dummies - Using PCB Ties To Modify Commercial Turnouts

Hey everyone, back again with another video. I don't think this turned out too bad, especially for the first time. Might turn this into a modeling basics how-too series, but we'll see. Anyways, as always thanks for watching and God Bless!

White Deer & Loganton Layout Plan/Build - Pennsylvania Narrow Gauge c.1910

Hey, Gang. Thought I'd start a new blog for the construction of what I'm initially calling A Full Day of Trains at Loganton.

My rambling, 11-page (so far!) blog on prototype research, historical context, and developing some potential layouts is over at Take a look for some of the background on this and other (hopefully future!) layouts. I'm not done with all the information there, but thought it would be good to break out and start something fresh for what I'm actually going to build.

Martin t's picture

Get started on weathering steamers - It´s fun!

I just finished weathering two steamers (one of them here in the photo). If you would like to have some inspiration of how to get started with simple weathering, please check out the short how-to video.


Ivy Covered Walls -- test piece for Gibbard Furniture

One of the endearing features of the old Gibbard Furniture factory in Napanee is the ivy covering much of the western wall. Old photos of the building show this same feature. So for the highly compressed Gibbard building on my layout, an ivy covered wall was highly desired. Never done that before... so I made a test piece using a spare painted wall casting from the build:

Ivy Covered Wall

I've been workin' on the railroad

After months of procrastination and several weeks of designing and rebuilding, I once again have a working railroad. It's been an exasperating time, even thinking about scrapping the whole thing and not having one any more. But patience and having people with a like interest to talk to, namely you guys, paid off. I was able to get out of the rut I was in and get back to doing. I'll post some pictures later, but for now, just a relief.

DIY - Wi-FI - Engine Control Project

This BLOG contains the development of software and testing of electronics for a DIY Wi-FI engine controller. Initially a ESP8266 will be used for testing followed by the ESP32.

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