johncaff22's blog
Cascade Sub: Summer Update 2021
It has been quite some time since I have posted on this blog, however progress has been occurring in the background. As expected for a younger man, life is busy and ever-changing. In the past year I have had very little time to work on the railroad consistently for long stretches of time, only getting a few days or weeks to tackle projects.
Cascade Sub: Summer Update
This update follows a long summer (and spring) of progress on the Cascade Sub. Given school closures and stay-at-home orders, the past months have been the most productive in the layout's brief history. Most notably, scenery is well underway on the lower level in Oakridge and Westfir, and the entire layout is operational with the recent completion of Klamath Falls Staging.
Cascade Sub: Cab Ride
Enjoy this recently filmed cab ride "up the hill" of the Union Pacific Cascade Subdivision in HO!
Cascade Sub Reference Expedition
This past week I was fortunate enough to spend a day exploring and documenting the locations of the Cascade Sub in Oregon that I am modeling. It was an incredible opportunity to see the line in person for the first time and start to accumulate photos and videos to enhance my modeling efforts. Below are just some of the highlights!
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