Personal journal (editorial or commentary)
Gorre and Daphetid Passenger Car
I received this car in my 8 boxes of donations from Caboose Hobbies we received this passenger car. If anyone knows if this is original/copy. If anyone can help I would appreciate it.
Moving A Layout: Here We Go
Tomorrow I (start to) drive to Maryland for a new job as a fresh college graduate, and along for the ride is the layout. Even as small of a layout as it is, I manage to own an even smaller car, so about 20" got (temporarily) lopped off one end with a reciprocating saw, in what is probably the least straight cut ever.
Can anyone Identify These??
I got these from my dad awhile ago and can't identify them any ideas?
Exiting news: at last, a C V Ry lantern acquired!!!
I have just successfully won an auction on a hi top Dietz Vesta fir the Central Vermont a Railway (C.V.Ry.)!!!!! This is the local railway closest to my house, so natually I've been searching for one for some time now. I will post pictures of it soon, for now here is a link to the listing:
Happy birthday behind live steam!
We'll take a hiatus from Siskiyou Line progress this blog post and celebrate my 60th birthday with a ride behind an 1:8 scale live steamer on a perfect day!
My birthday is today (May 18) but we celebrated it and my youngest grandson's birthday (May 1) yesterday, Sunday, May 17th. Went to the live steamer park in Mollala, OR, Shady Dell, and spent the afternoon there in perfect sunny 70s weather!
Layout Animation Idea
This is a layout animation idea I came up that requires no motors and actually uses the trains momentum to power it. The idea I came up with uses a flat gear (rack) on the track and a gear sticking out from below the car. When the car passes over the rack gear it would move the animation. With varied rack length and teeth on the pinion (round gear) you could have almost limitless possibilities. I would try this myself but have two problems:
1. No available gears
2. I do not have a car to "butcher" and cut a hole in the bottom of.
[GWMS] Awesome News
I did post this in our club topic but I couldn't help putting it here to. I will be receiving for me a NCE cup, hat and shirt along with for the club an NCE Power Cab System I can't wait to try this thing out. Also with that they sent 4 decoders which is a perfect start for our club.
[GMWS] Cheap Water
Does anyone know of cheap water for model railroads since our club had little to no budget. If you know of a source or how to make some yourself please let me know. Thanks for your help and don't forget to check our club topic page-
Photography Using An Image Stacker
Scott Betts has written about his experience using an image stacker for model photography. Scott models in 120.3. The locomotive in the above photo is 14' from the camera lens.
You can read about it on the C&Sn3 blog at:
Enjoy if you visit, Darel
A sad day in Tulsa
The Indian Nations Division has a Round Robin Tuesday work night, The Gandy Dancers, and this week instead of helping one of our group build his layout we helped him demolish his lovely layout! Sad.
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