Personal journal (editorial or commentary)
Layout room space - it's all relative!
I find it amusing that two modelers (me, and Michael Rose) are facing the same problems with space even though we have vastly different spaces available. My layout room is 120 square feet and Michael's is (I think) is about 1,400 square feet!
You can see the two thread here:
A "living" inventory, keeping track of all my stuff...
We recently had a pipe break in our house and caused an extensive amount of water damage, the good news is that I did not have any model railroad stuff in harms way and damage to personal belongings was minimal. It did get me thinking about my inventory of model railroad items, what if the room the the ceiling collapsed in did have all my trains? Are items stored in a way that will minimize damage or loss? Do I have an accurate account of all my items?
A Short-line in O Scale (4' 8.5")
BLOG started July 2015, as a planning and building BLOG for an O scale short-line.
TMTV Blog entry - End of the Line and “Creeping Normality”
Trevor Marshall asks the question - "How might deferred maintenance contribute to wanting to throw in the towel on your layout?"
Read the blog post here ... and post your comments below!
Setting Up JMRI and and using the Bachrus MTS-DCC to speed match locomotives
After doing the podcast on A Modelers Life JMRI month I got a few questions on setting JMRI and speed matching my locomotive. So i did a video on setting up JMRI DecoderPro and Using the Bachrus MTS-DCC to speed match my locomotive. I use Excel for the grafting. I hope this is helpful for those of you trying to get this set up.
I am setting the follow standers for my locomotive:
Yard switchers top speed 35 mph
Freight Loco top speed 55mph
Passenger Loco top speed 65mph
Challenges of working in a small space.
An Incredible Resource - April 1990 CN Winnipeg Terminal Car Control Manual
An Incredible Resource
Steve Boyko, recently posted a page from a very interesting document in a Facebook Railfan group I belong to.
The document is the April 1990 edition of the CN Winnipeg Terminal Car Control Manual.
When I saw the post my brain went haywire.
It contains track diagrams and car spot lists, codes, and names, for EVERY CN Customer in Winnipeg in 1990!
**Mind Blown**
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