Personal journal (editorial or commentary)
New loco for Richlawn RR excursion route
On of the nice things about having my excursion track is that besides running doodlebugs on it I can pretty much run what I want (it's my railroad!) So, can you guess from the picture below where the Mrs. and I were the last two weeks? That's right - on an Alaskan Cruise to celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary! We took an Alaskan Cruise in 2005 for our 25th and enjoyed it so much that we returned.
Siskiyou Line Progress #5
We just held the second Siskiyou Line op session after the layout essentially being in mothballs for 3 years. This second session was Saturday night, June 20th.
Even though this isn't "working on the layout" in terms of adding details or finishing scenery, it's still very much a part of what's needed to get the layout ready for the Convention in August.
We have 10 guys signed up to come operate the Siskiyou Line this coming August, and the layout needs to be in tip-top shape for that event. I very much want the visiting operators to see the layout at its best.
I missed this
I have been away for a while, a few months, but I missed being here, reading and occasionally posting and replying. I am hoping to get inspiration from ya'll again. I want to do SOMETHING! Build a model, install a decoder, build a turnout... ANYTHING! I know this is the place for inspiration!
I don't even know what to say.
Over the years, YouTube has allowed us to follow along as modelers of all skill levels build their layouts and show us "how to do it." With that, you also get to see the idiosyncrasies of the people themselves. To be frank, most are rather bland, but you watch because you like to see the trains and perhaps get a tip to use on your own layouts.
BQR Control Panel -- Finishing Touches
One final touch was to update the yard panel to the same style as the main. This is the strip along the left side that holds the two turntable controls -- the dial and LEDs for the CML TXC1 that operates the Deseronto TT, a simple toggle switch for the Sydenham TT and the lever frame for the Deseronto yard turnouts.
Colorado Front Range update for May
Update on the lighting from last month and a layout tour by rail. The mainline is built and trains will run.
Underground mining scene to slot into fascia
My boys and I are building a small N scale layout that features a mining area. To take a break from wiring tedium we built a small subterranean mining diorama that will slot into the side of the fascia - just underneath the mining area. I like the concept of rewarding viewers with additional detail for those who look more closely. I have added the video entry below. If you like it please subscribe to our channel. Cheers, Rowan.
BQR Control Panel -- Done
Well, this week marked the end of a long road. The control panel is finished as I had intended it -- this would be the fourth (or maybe fifth) version.
Pleased with the "pour"
I've been working on a scene for awhile and I knew eventually it was going to require an Envirotex layer for water. Today was the day as things had finally progressed on the scene enough to do the pour and also the rest of my family was going to be gone most of the day. Even though I don't smell the stuff, they do and I opened some windows and got to mixing and pouring. I'm pretty pleased. Not ready for a total reveal of the scene just yet but soon enough. Meantime, here's a little shot showing the pour.
Safety and your model railroad layout
I've posted something similar to this before; however, the subject is so important I felt that it was time to post again. Safety is very important especially if you have visitors to your layout. I had a number of open houses for my basement Richlawn Railroad layout and I tried to make the environment as safe as possible. Here are a few tips:
1.) Have your exits clearly marked if not obivious.and make sure that the exit path is clear of obstacles.
2.) Have smoke detectors in your train room and in all areas that require them.
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