Personal journal (editorial or commentary)

rickwade's picture

More than a million views of my Richlawn Railroad website

I've reached a milepost in that I've had more than 1,000,000 hits to my Richlawn Railroad website.  I generally post to MRH first and then to my website so much of the material on my site can be found here; however, there is some material that I've never posted here.  Thanks to all of you that have visited the site.  You can view the site HERE.

Leverettrailfan's picture

Glass Insulators: how do you model them, and can you improve it?

Sorry, it's been a long time since I've posted anything. I wanted to make this post because I've recently become a glass insulator collector, and eventually I realized that I might be able to lend some food-for-thought here. See, most people just have simple poles without wires if they even bother with the poles, and they all look identical, full racks of insulators, maybe not even colored like insulators. I saw a article in a MRR magazine by Pelle Søeborg on trackside telegraph poles.

rickwade's picture

A simple (but necessary) addition to the Richlawn RR train room

OK - enough it enough!  I finally had it trying to work in the little 6ft by 8ft open area in my 10ft by 12ft train room and purchased a plastic 5 level shelf from the big orange box store for $29.00.  Yes, it looks out of place but I'm sick and tired of trying to access my stuff from 100 different locations and play hide and seek with materials!  I've got a number of plastic shoe box style containers that I will label and put on the shelf.

rickwade's picture

Rod's Model Railroad Index - issues....returning ads and NOT links to content.

** Updated - I didn't realize that Rod had passed away.  May he rest in peace.


I was trying to use Rod's index and followed the link on the MRH site and here's the page where it landed:


This page looked different than what I've seen in the past.  I typed "MRH Turnouts" on the search line:

Bill Brillinger's picture

Any Time is Train Time!

I love this sign posted at a real grade crossing on a real railroad in Saskatchewan...

Any Time is Train Time!

Photo by Jason Paul Sailer, Taken along the Stewart Southern line in SK. - Reposted with permission.

joef's picture

Siskiyou Line progress #7

Siskiyou Line progress report #7 is overdue! Only three weeks left until the convention comes to town ...

This time, I'm reporting on the last op session we just completed a week or so ago - this is op session #3 since the Siskiyou Line was pulled back out of being in mothballs for 3 years while we focused on getting MRH going strong.

On to photos and commentary from the latest op session!

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