Personal journal (editorial or commentary)
Converting a K-Line Golden State end car into an Executive car
I am working on turning a K-Line Golden State Limmited end car (Golden Divan) into an executive car for my railroad. The main modifying will be making an end platform, and giving it a new interior. Also, the end light will be adjusted. Enjoy!
Colorado Front Range Railroad April Update- Lighting
This Month I look at all the lighting options to light my railroad. Some design points to look at when thinking about lighting your railroad. I look at old and new ideas. lighting a 900 square foot railroad is not cut and dry. We are one step closer to finishing the mainline.
My lego fan train thing
Well the images and video speak for themselves this is built on a flatcar base with a Lego mounting for the snap circuits fan.
And some photos
Re-do it all!
Sadly, my layout has been fussy. There's a small grade on it that the trains can't cope with, and nothing seems to make it past 5-6 laps before something goes wrong! I am faced with only one choice: tear down the roadbed and start over! Here are some final pictures of the half built mess, before I get down to it:
The Schnabel Car
Well I rarely spell the name of this car right so I will try not to but below are some images and videos of it being one of my favorites I wanted to show it to some people though I am sure mostt people have already heard of it.
An amazing opportunity, if viewed properly...
I've been working on my HO scale partial-mushroom layout for about 6 years, and was just poised to expand into another room, when my wife decided she wants to move close to her grand children. At first I told her I'd miss her, but I'd be willing to commute from the Atlanta area to the Charlotte area. After thinking about it, she said she didn't like that idea, she wanted me to be with her. "But my railroad is attached to the concrete walls permanently! It's not portable!
The Chicago Aurora and East Elgin Railroad
This is a rialorad that was originally by my house though was turned into a bike path known as the Prarie Path (see image below)
Here is a map of the old railroad
Cornhill & Atherton - Vezmar Mine to Redpale Creek
Mortimer is finished and this is the next episode in the C&A saga - Vezmar Mining and Redpale Creek.
This section spans the window wall on the upper deck and links Spangler Gap to the outskirts of Atherton.
Looking For Chicago Area Volunteers!!
Hi most of you are already familliar with me and some of my recent posts about my random ramblings and looking for help with a club I have most of the needed supplies gathered and now all I need are people from the Chicago area that could come to Lombard (can't say what school yet PM if you want to know) on Tuesdays or Wednsdays (has not been decided yet) from roughly 2:50-3:50 to mentor and help out with the buildding process of layouts we may also go to shows to do demonstrations so we would also need help with that if you or anyone you know can help out please PM me or let me know th
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