Personal journal (editorial or commentary)
Siskiyou Line progress
As we begin the journey toward this August and having the Siskiyou Line on display for the NMRA National Convention in Portland, Oregon, I'm going to start documenting the layout's progress here in my MRH blog.
We're currently working on the upper deck at the opposite end of the room from the entrance - on my layout this is the Sutherlin/Oakland area.
To remind you where this is, here's my upper deck track plan. The area we're working on is on the far left and lower left of this plan (Click the plan to enlarge it).
My First Trainz set game
Another game from Auran much like Trainz simulator except you are now in a house.
Why I can't wait for Trainz 12
Some videos of the latest Trainz simulator that I can not wait to get my hands on.
Cool Sprite/Image Lego things
Lego train spites here if anyone wants them (see link) let me know what you think (i can't take credit for them though).
Scratch building some rural streetcars
Fir those of you who read my "gang car to steeple cab" forum may have noted I planned to undertake more trolleys using similar techniques. Well, this place is where I'll be writing that. Fir those interested in the steeple cab forum who haven't read it, here's the link:
Add ons for Trainz and MSTS
the auran add on website (search winter hill quarry for one of my own designs)
Other random ones
Some are foreign sorry
More MSTS and Trainz
Well this certainly fits under a lot of topics this one being one of my favorite simulators. I like this one so much due to all the stuff included many types of trains from all countries and structures to along with many add ons I will add some screenshots of some I made over the easter weeken (haven't gotten to my grandparents in awhile) Well thats all other than in the topic below feel free to ask any questions you have about them and I will be happy to answer.
Topic I posted here---
MSTS and Trainz
A really good train simulator I found is Trainz and MSTS (i think they are the same) they are both good for testing ideas and don't takke as much money from your pocket below are the two I have played VS. eachother so enjoy.
2004 vs. 2012
Weird Random Trains i found and more humor later in the comment
Video Playlist---
Some photos----
more to come later
Colorado Front Range Railroad March Update
Here is the March up date and I am looking for any photos of Martin Drake Coal Plant in Colorado Springs 1960 or earlier. I can see all kinds of photos today or in the last 20 years. But I can tell from the maps i have from 1958 that the plant was much smaller. From Google Earth i can see two of the old brick building. So if any one can help with photos or a web site that I may have missed please let me know.
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