
kirkifer's picture

Not so sure about these...

So, I have a section of double track that is laid with Code 83 and concrete ties. There is a river valley scene that is seen in older posts. I decided that the Walthers Double Track Curved Pratt bridge combined with the Walthers 90' Double Track Through Plate Girder would look nice. Based on the height of the valley, the railroad is going to want to use the longest spans possible.

Bluesssman's picture

DCC conversion of an old Athearn locomotive.

PA2sI have these mid 1980's locomotive that run great. I would like to add DCC control and sound to them. One of them is a dummy unit. I am looking to you all to give me advice as to what decoders will work best for me. Sound is very important for me.


new to DCC

Maybe someone can help. I am an S scaler and just getting back into the hobby now that i have some space. My problem is i have a 1980s Overland Models 2-8-0 camelback loco in brass. I would like to convert it to DCC but have no idea of decoders to use both for running and sound. It has a can motor but not sure if it is to pre Dcc and need to be changed. Hoping to use an NCE pro cab for my control. My layout will be in a 17.6 by 17.6 room so I think their 2amp system will be enough. not running more the 3 locos at a time on a double Maine with some yard work.

Ontario Branch line in HO - Inglewood-Cataract-Fergus-Elora

I am beginning a journal of my layout design and construction.  This is an HO scale, rural branch line situated in southern Ontario circa 1957.  I am certainly not the first person to model this area I will cite some of my insparations in the next entry.


Please see my Givens & Druthers attached below as a PDF questionaire.

LA, Pasadena & Cucamonga RR: Roadbed, & Tracks installed

Hi all,

A long overdue update on the Pasadena RR. Some progress have been made and in this post i am covering laying down cork roadbed and tracks.

The roadbed is made out of  5mm cork sheets, depending on application the sheets have been cut to strips or laid in other rectangular shapes. Everything has been glued down with construction adhesive (similar to the no-nails glue) which was spread with a trowel.

Tracks are Peco code 83 flextrack with #6. #7 and #8 turnouts for the mainline and some #5 at a few industrial sidings.

Camera Car in HO, Hard to beat this set up on GS&M 84107

Looking to make a Camera car that will take video in 4k. I'm sure it will based on this original idea. The one thing that bothers me most is the fish eye or barrel look. Other than that it is high quality and stable video. Picks up fairly good sound too.

So some small tweaks on this basic idea from here

2nd Video Camera Car build

The Basic idea for the car.  Lots weights.  Very low center of gravity.

Warflight's picture

Ridiculous Train Sets

I put this in "Community" as it's about train sets, but not really about modeling so much (unless the blog ends up heading that direction)

But... remember some of the absolutely ridiculous (as in FREEKING AWESOME) train sets in the 80s?

I think Tyco was the king of licensed train sets (heck, the earliest one I've seen was the "Petty Coat Junction" set, which... I plan to someday find! Okay... okay... I already know where to get it... heh)

Jamie@M160's picture

Scenic Sub Project Update 5 - Gaynor Trestle Construction Starts Plus Some History

Started construction of the gaynor trestle bridge plus a little history behind it...



"The youth is not Interested in our hobby" A rebuttal

I keep on reading about how this hobby is dieing. The main issue I find is that there is this perception that the youth is not interested. Honestly I think that it is a load of malarkey. Let me give ya'll some background. I am one of the younger people who finds this hobby to be a great escape from the stresses of life. I am a 21 year old who is living in a small apartment near a college. Right now I have a 2' x 3' N scale layout because that is what space allows.

Salt River Valley crew change point/yard - A hidden staging yard out in the open. The SRV Yard project.

Salt River Valley crew change point/yard - A hidden staging yard out in the open. 

The SRV Yard project.

With the expansion of the GS&M I was able to gain a lot of extra space.  The problem is the GS&M was built to fit into its 12'x 20' space. At this time what is the PHX end staging is now reached via a Huge Helix down to the bottom staging level for all the shared staging on the layout (PHX - North & TUC - South).

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