Jamie@M160's blog

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Cajon Pass Part 2 - Backdrop and Roadbed

Wrapping up the backdrops and moving on to roadbed installation...


Jamie@M160's picture

Cajon Pass Part 1 - Benchwork and Backdrops

Time to get benchwork and backdrops going on the Cajon Pass portion of the layout...



Jamie@M160's picture

Cajon Pass Project - Introduction

A Tension Dephasit Railroad Company™ (Ha!) presents the next part of my basement workshop layout - Cajon Pass from CP Walker to Sullivan's Curve.

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Jamie@M160's picture

Scenic Sub Project Update 7 - Backdrop boards go up and paint colors

Backdrop construction and sky color musings...


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Scenic Sub Project Update 6 - Temperature adjustable LED lights and more benchwork...

Some of this info on LED lighting I posted in another topic elsewhere on MRH but it's the next update in my layout project, so here it is... :)


Jamie@M160's picture

Scenic Sub Project Update 5 - Gaynor Trestle Construction Starts Plus Some History

Started construction of the gaynor trestle bridge plus a little history behind it...



Jamie@M160's picture

Scenic Sub Project Update 4 - Benchwork Begins

Started benchwork on the Scenic Sub portion:


Jamie@M160's picture

Scenic Sub Project Update 3 - Staging Yard Details & Planning

The staging yard gets some detailing and planning and refinements to the layout plan...

Jamie@M160's picture

Scenic Sub Project Update 2 - Layout Space and Staging

The project gets started (and there was much rejoicing..)

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Scenic Sub Project Update 1 - Introduction




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