Personal journal (editorial or commentary)

rrfaniowa's picture

Milan branch blog going forward

For those who might be interested, I’ve set up a personal group on Facebook,, to journal about progress on my small Iowa Interstate branch line – the Milan branch. 

mikedeverell's picture

Colorado Front Range RR- January 2018 update

Here is where we are in January on getting the layout done. Look at a SD-9 with a TCS WOW 101 Decoder and a Look at the Western Foundries in Longmont and some trains running. Hope you enjoy this update 



Ron Pare's picture

Rare Earth Magnets for removable panels on structures

The title says it all, examples are in the video. Ken Patterson was right, of course...


Ron Pare's picture

Youtube changes, and how it affects creators in our hobby.

Youtube changes, and how it affects creators in our hobby.

Last evening I received an email informing me that my channel with 200k views is going to be demonetized because viewers aren't watching the channel enough. Granted I don't post there much as I use the JaSM channel. But my point is, this channel flew under the radar for a long time.


I am asking the MHR community for some help in solving a problem I created with my choice of layout scenery. My layout was originally conceptualized 25 yrs ago as a much smaller layout with no intention of adding a backdrop or anything like that. I started this current version with the old idea then expanded it because I had the room to do so. Although I do plan on adding a backdrop at some point, I didn't take this into consideration when I stuck with the basics of how I originally thought the scenery would look. 


When I last posted I had just completed adding rocks to the newest section of my layout. I flew to CA for vacation on 12/27 and am still here now in LA on business until Feb. Of course that means I don't get to work on the layout but before I left I took a few more photos to share after I had colored all the remaining white plaster with Woodland Scenics earth pigment. It really makes a huge difference. Even without grass or trees the layout starts to look more realistic.

A new website/blog

I have created a blog where I can track the progress of the Johnstown and Maryville. Check it out if you are interested.



Ron Pare's picture

Work, Life, Passion

The new year is upon us. And as this farm is inundated with snow, this family lives life to its fullest.

Philosophy of changing major scales

I posted this over on the Proto 48 list serve, but wanted some thoughts from people here in MRH that have had major shifts in their modeling scales over the years.
First off, I've modeled in HO, N, and large scale over the life of my modeling career. Without further ado, here is my rambling and thoughts.

Hello group,
I've been following Gene's blog for a few years now about his adventures into P48 and thought I would join this group and get some ideas/opinions.

Michigan Southern in V-Scale

I've been hammering away at a representation of the Michigan Southern in Trainz:A New Era for about a year. Here, the MSO 907, a GP9 I commissioned from Jointed Rail, runs westbound from Sturgis to White Pigeon, crossing Klinger Lake Road. 

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