Scenery - Structures
Print Out Buildings
Print Out Buildings
Amazing to think you just download them, print them, stick them to card, and stick them together.
3D Printed Building Interiors
I've always wanted my buildings to have interiors; it adds tremendously to the realism. I've had good success using a personal 3D printer for adding interiors. One building that has been long overdue for an interior is a Lancaster Farmhouse from Walthers. It's a great representation of rural America, and I wanted to make an interior that shows off its character. I've spent the last six hours or so making models and texturing the first floor. If someone likes the progress I've made so far, I can upload this to a website like Thingiverse.
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Since my last post I had glued hydrocal rock castings to the mountains on the newer section and colored them after having glued the tunnel portals and retaining walls in place. The next set of photos shows the progress.
This is the newest section I mentioned in a previous post with the mountains and portals in place.
Internet Archive Audio Files
In addition to locomotive and scenic atmospheric sounds (harbor recordings) to enhance my layout, I have recently found enjoyment in playing period music and old radio broadcasts from the 1930s and 1940s. These are particularly good for solo operating sessions, while modeling, or just letting the trains run loops.
Methods and Materials for improved realism
This blog is aimed at providing a place to discuss methods and material use for improving the realism of our models, structures rolling stock/locomotives and overall layouts.
I hope to discuss anything and everything that can improve realism.
New Cedar color help
I am doing a scratchbuild of a hotel that has a large porch. I would love for it to be a natural (no weathered) cedar color. Any thoughts on mixing colors to get that look?
DOMTAR Pulp and Paper Mill - Scenery
I finally got to the point of installing the photo backdrops I purchased from Trackside Scenery last year. I went with their Valley Flats series to provide a generic wooded backdrop to the paper mill.
Installing Walthers Rail with ties into walthers single track truss bridge.
I am working on installing a Walthers single truss bridge on the layout. I have also purchased the Walther single track and ties for the bridge. I am looking for recommendations for gluing the track and ties to the trestle or if people have other methods of attachment they prefer to use.
Gallery glass for water
I have read somewhere that gallery glass can be used to model water. I have tried a little in the bottom of a cup and it dries clear. Has anyone tried it? How did it work out? Tips?
Caricature vs Scale Model.
i was ready a thread just now that got me thanking. In many ways our model layouts and our models themselves are as much caricature as they are accurate scale models.
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