Diesel locos

What's on your workbench - May 2020
I'll get this rolling with a close up photo of a locomotive I'm doing a First Look on.... until I took a photo, I hadn't even noticed the 74V sign.

Virtual RPM
Virtual RPM (RPM = Railroad Prototype Modeling)
Here's a thread to share your prototype modeling. Share completed and in-process models that reflect prototype locomotives, rolling stock, structures, and scenes. This is open to any scale, just as long as the modeling is following a prototype.
Eric Hansmann
Editor-at-Large, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Help getting the grind out of a GP38-2
I have a Bachmann HO GP38-2 that is a bit noisy and doesn't start very well, taking a good bit of throttle (DC) before it gets going. It definitely has more noise/grind with the shell on. It has no significant run time. I have not pulled apart the trucks to clean the factory lube, but it doesn't look to be gummy from what I can see.
I thought I would start by giving it a good cleaning, and adding a couple drops of Dexron II. But, i don't know if that will really suppress the grind.

Using low nose diesels in a stub yard
Hi everyone
I am building a stub end switching layout that is 5' x 10" in N Scale. It models an industrial complex that is served by the railroad soit isn't a freight yard as such. It is served by regular freights - short and all cars for one or other of the industries. It then takes the loads/empties back out they way it came.
Prototype "One-Way" frog?
Dear MRHers,
Was following some research trails off a seperate MRH thread, and came accross this pic from the RT&S website
(Prototype Railroad, Track, and Engineering site)
Rio Grande Font
I'm trying to model the Rio Grande Scenic RR that operates out of Alamosa, Colorado. I'd like to print my own N-scale decals, but i need to find the font used. The passenger cars seem pretty easy, but the locos have the classic Rio Grande in a gold color. Any suggestions?
Assembling an Athearn All-Weather Window
Is there a trick to assembling the Athearn all-weather windows? It looks easy enough, just two pieces - the housing and clear plastic for the windows. How hard can that be? But for the life of me I can't get the clear plastic to fit inside of the housing, and just end up shattering it while trying for a press-fit. Multiple times. I've got to be missing something obvious.
Which red Modelflex or True Color paint for MKT (Katy) locomotive of the late sixties/early seventies era
My plan is to paint and weather one of the red MKT GP7s as it would have appeared around 1975. Yes, the Katy began painting their locomotives green with yellow stripes in the early seventies, but there were still some red ones around that hadn't made it to the paint shop. Great photos of them can be found if you search the web.
Cascade Sub: UP 2513 Weathered
My locomotive fleet has been in need of attention for some time, specifically in the weathering department. As scenery starts to develop, glossy out-of-the-box models stand out like a sore thumb. First on the list of projects was UP 2513, an Athearn Genesis SD60, which spent the previous week in the weathering shop.
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