
Free-moN: At Home and On The Road

As it seems my Free-moN modules have now become my "home layout", thought I'd start a new thread featuring the whole kit-n-keboodle rather than individual modules.

'Twas a busy weekend: on Saturday I set up all my modules in my garage to 1) troubleshoot, 2) see it if fit in my garage (a "California Basement") and 3) run trains!
Only took about a kabillion hours to get everything going, but once it did...!

A video:


what is this tool & brick i found

 the location where i'm working  i found a tool ? and a brick which is very old with the letters c p co eli   P.S. i found them under the building, i know it is something for a railroad but what is it can. someone help me with this and tyvm for you help


John Winter's picture

"Shark" on the JDS&E

I was rail fanning the JDS&E yesterday and caught this PRR shark at the tower. (click on the image to enlarge it)


While I was there I took a picture of the crossing tower as well.


arthurhouston's picture


If you own an NCE DCC power cab and have not received an upgrade card you can contact NCE 585-265-0230 ask for Matt. They will register you in the system and sell you the upgrade EPROM for $25.
This upgrade is for power cab only. It will not up grade your SB3a. The Power House Pro already does these things.

PowerCab Software Update Notes Version: 1.65
Summary of new features:

1) All throttles now have up to 6 recalls.
The default is two recalls just like the PowerPro system.

2) Support for 3 external throttles.
Cab address 3 as before, 4 now becomes official PLUS 5 has been

Desert Grande Layout Part 3 Lighting

It dawned on me while I was taking my pictures that I really needed to consider getting better lights installed and Now while I had the chance.  So I did.

I prefer track lighting.  You can very quickly get as much or as little light in a scene as you wish, and with a simple adjustment put that light anywhere in the room.

I realized I wanted it installed flush to the wall, so I used a piece of my future fascia as a straightedge, temporarily pinning it in place.

Desert Grande Layout Planning Stages

I still contend that now, in this apartment, in my current time and place, a layout is not the most valuable use of my time.  However, int he course of a couple weeks I came across a couple shelves, just singular pieces, and before you know it I had shelves on two walls in my bedroom.  And the more I looked at them, the easier the layout thought became.

Then two more events happened.  First, I found a 6'x16" shelf.  Second, MRH threw up the $500 Getting Started Challenge.

bnsf6951's picture


   to all....i knew when i started this layout that i would have problems with spotting cars at industries because all my industries are on grades.

 i have asked for help i have received a ton of info back from other modelers on "how to" install a braking system for industries. they are all great ideas but involved an extra amount of work & materials. yesterday, a good friend of mine emailed me a simple solution. materials i would need are things i already have. they are; an old paint brush & CA cement.

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