
jeffshultz's picture

A portable display layout.. part 5

You know that point where you get done to the point that the rest of it just seems to go into overdrive? 

Yeah, normally me neither. 

But this time... about two days ago I looked at the layout and pretty much went, hey, this is finished enough to show!

arthurhouston's picture


Do you have pictures or examples of the using mirrors?  I am  attaching some things that I have been playing around with and would like to see other examples.

Long Haired David's picture

SNE Reefers and Hoppers finally get the corporate treatment

I have had lots of input from contributors to this blog and I am extremely grateful for all of the comments. Although, sitting in the UK, my viewers aren't going to be very critical as they will know diddley squat about US freight car practice, it was still worth all the effort to get it as near to right as I can. If I have got it wrong now, I am sorry but it will stay! - Big Grin.

Embankment Deforesting

Quick changes and updates on my IAIS Grimes Line layout.

I redid the scenery on the north side of the Highway 141 embankment. North of Meredith Drive the greenbelt ends and the landscape turns into the classic Iowa prairie. While trees are not completely absent I overdid the original attempt. I ended up removing most of the tall trees and adding more low scrub and weeds.

John Winter's picture

Adding Details to the B&O "Fuel Slab" at the Interchange on my JDS&E Railroad

Thanksgiving weekend I decided to complete the fueling slab at the B&O interchange on the JDS&E.

The fuel slab when I started.

richhard444's picture


OK this is my first time to blog, so bear with me. The building I have attached pictures of started out as a Walthers Golden Valley Canning Co. kit. After I built it I completely repainted and weathered it and mounted it on apiece of .060 styrene to keep it all together. I hand painted various bricks to make the building look more realistic. The roof top air conditioner and support platform were scratch built, painted and again weathered. I added additional detail items, people etc, also added scenery around the whole building.

bnsf6951's picture

downhill test run


to every one

i am trying out my new phones video feature & at the same time run a train down the hill. i thought that since all my vids are of trains going up the hill. i thought i would kill 2 birds with one stone

the switchman was a sleep & didn't throw the switch to the siding at the end of the vid. it's a good thing the engineer was awake & avoided a head on with the SD40 parked in the IM switchman was suspended for 2 weeks without  pay.& needs to take a drug


Othy's picture

proto 2000 SD60 decoder install help?

I have a proto 2000 SD60M, I installed a digitrax board replacement and a sound bug FX decoder. the decoder works the sound works. I did not change the light bulbs out but i did add a 680 1/4 watt resistor in on the blue wire but the lights don't work what did i miss.

Title Conflict and Shelf-work

I have an umbedingt crisis on my hands! I love my acronym WIHLA for my railroad title, but on my blog I have given it the name, "Switzerland in a Cube".  Not as mysterious, but a little more descriptive (although What I Had Lying Around is actually quite descriptive).

I should also mention, that I have finished my post about my benchshelf-work.  Check it out here.

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