Benny's blog
Material Load Ideas: Harvesting Logs
Modeling logs is about as common of a subject as rocks or grass or trees.
Material Load Ideas: Flat Car Bridges
I was about to pass on this one but then I realized I might be looking at the remains of an old popular Celebrity.
Material Load Ideas: Tank Car Culverts
While perusing through a railroad trader site, I came across this dandy idea for old tank cars:
Turn them into culverts!!
Sterling Rail - Tank Car Culverts For Sale
A 9' diameter will run you $220 per foot up to 47 feet lengths.
Cooking with Iron & Resin 2021
Welcome to 2021 indeed!!
2021 starts in a new place with lots of new space for everything that is fun and exciting.
2020 ended with a huge push to exit my storage units and subsequently my apartment and enter the realms of owning my own house. And we did it, with a day to spare, to great benefit all around.
This year we will aim to complete the projects of last year and blow out a lotta dust..
Benny's Definitive Guide to Placing Cars in Car Spots Or Otherwise Appropriately Known as "Car Spotting"
(Pictures will be added as they can be located; all pictures used under Copyright Act Section 107 Subsection 1, 2, 3 and 4)
A couple weeks ago we had a discussion about how cars may be shoved around a right radial spur. This lends itself to further discussion on how any industry might move cars while they are within their zone of control.
The details follow in the next post.
The Management of Modeling Fatigue
I was pleasantly surprised with a trip home today when my dad told my wife he had peaches on the peach trees, and her bubbly personality meant there was simply no way I could say No. If there's on thing she enjoys most, it's harvesting anything and everything from field and tree, and I do like white peaches myself. This also meant I would be in the same neighborhood s that old Churn Well Drilling rig that I started modeling a couple months back.
The Ross and White Red Devil Coal Loader at 3D
A new project from the days of steam headed right into the digital Era.
Tree Making From China
See 18:30 or so...
Nice models. 10,000-100,000 a piece...USD.
Hare Rabbit Roundup 2020
Thus we start a new year...
2017 grew towards expansion into new skills and processes.
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