Alcove Expansion - Part 3: Mainline Track Sub-roadbed
These pictures were taken awhile ago as work continues with the installation of the sub-roadbed for the Southbound low level track. Only the mainline is shown here as the sidings will be added seperately as part of the next step.
Here's another view showing the progress. I've actually reached a milestone as I cut through the wall into the expansion area! More later.
Steel Mill Transfer Cars
Had a chance to sit down and build a couple transfer cars for my steel mill. Sill needs to be weathered, but over all I like how they turned out.
Still Going..
Work goes slow on the HL&B, It seems the company didn't make payroll this week and the men are mad.
Building Code 55 & 70 Turnouts
Hi, Guys. I'm building my 7th layout, after a move & have a Garage 13.5' x 23.5 ' that I have Insulated & wired 4 my train Room. I have a lot of Atlas Code 100 Track that I acquired over the years. In my new layout, which will be 2' wide benchwork Aproximately 48" H. and around the walls, I will be changing over 2 Code 70 for my main line, & Code 55 for my sidings & Yard. My yard will require Approx. 20 Turnouts. My ??
Designing Winslow Mills, Another Look
I have decided to take another look at how I am handling Winslow Mills. I switched the position of Waldoboro and Winslow Mills. This provided me with a number of benefits. Winslow Mills is correctly oriented as far as East and West relative to Waldoboro. The majority of the structures are now on the inside of the plan creating space to include the cannery and a few others.
New design for thought
Here is a design that captures the feel of Southern Pacific's Willamette pass route over the cascades.
Easy Model Railroad Inventory Easy Model Railroad Inventory - Potential Addition #5
Easy Model Railroad Inventory currently allows users to make a copy of an existing rolling stock and locos record. Would this type of functionality be useful with:
1. Structures?
2. Library?
3. Electronics?
4. Consignee/Destination?
5. Add image field to library maintenance? Picture of the book.
Please respond for each selection. Yes or no only, for example 1. No, 2. Yes. If you respond maybe that will be counted as a no.
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