Personal journal (editorial or commentary)
Copying some Obscure and Unheard of railroad...Freelancing?
This might be an old document file. (1996 give or take a few years). From the website. So would it be Freelancing to copy a railroad that has little to no information about it from route to motive power etc. or just make up a history to fill in the huge gaps left from no documentation to failure of the railroad to mergers etc. Makes you wonder when you cross over from Prototype fidelity to Freelancing?
CY&P RR - Introduction
I have been toying with this idea of a blog of my model railroad hobby for a while now and with the start of the new year, here I go. This is the second iteration of the Chicago Yellowstone and Pacific began about 2002. It is far from any real completeness. The nickname, Yellowstone Road, springs from a local newspaper article that described an early 20th century system of roads strung together as an automobile route from the East coast to the Northwest through the Northern states, the Yellowstone Trail. My town is on that route, hence the article. I thought, &
Missouri Pacific Railroad, Willoughby, Arkansas branch
Completed office for the planned scrap yard.
Wow! Can't believe it was just August
Well here we are in 2015 and I STILL haven't gotten the Coldstor module rebuilt, my supertrees finished, or a whole host of other projects completed. I am not a fan of making resolutions, because life just throws too many curves at you. My focus for the month will be to get my curved passing track module set "presentable" for the Great Train Expo on Jan. 24th. The biggest challenge will be getting the siding I want to add built and installed AND still be able to get some basic scenery over the whole thing.
Turning on and off power by DCC on the staging yard of the Colorado Front Range Railroad
Just a quick update and thanks to two member of this Blog, Geoff Bunza and David Bodnar both have posting that help me get this project done. It took me 4 weeks to finish this project the two decoders that I built and program work perfectly.
Very Cool Commercial
I don't know what I like more about this commercial; the fact that it was done all in-camera, one take with no CGI effects or all the cool model making. Nice to see the craft aspect of the hobby portrayed so well (the idiot hipster in the Che t-shirt at the end notwithstanding).
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