Personal journal (editorial or commentary)

rickwade's picture

DDS - Downsizing Depression Syndrome OR subtitled me being a crybaby

***Warning - wining ahead!***

Ever since I've had to tear down my old railroad and move into a new room that it is less than 1/10th the size of my previous area (1700 sf vs 120 sf) I've been struggling with DDS (Downsizing Depression Syndrome).  Yes, I know all of the advantages of a "small" railroad verses a "large" railroad....but the nagging feeling of "too small" keeps raising it's ugly head. 

IAISfan's picture

IAIS's West End - Mom, 1929-2014

At 4:05 this afternoon, I watched my Mom - one of the greatest sources of encouragement in my life and my hobby - pass peacefully into eternity, a victim of Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) that was diagnosed just 10 months ago.  As much as I write here about far less important things, I felt it was only right to post a tribute to Mom.

mikedeverell's picture

December Update for the Colorado Front Range Railroad

Thanks to Dave Bodnar and Geoff Bunza for the arduino decoder and relay control. I show how I redesign the yard using the 10 commandment of model railroad yard design.  Then show how I make a template for the custom curve crossing that needs to be hand laid.


Happy railroading

Mike Deverell

nbrodar's picture

The Doh Moment

12 years after I started building Penn Lake 7, I finally figured out why the plan didn't quite work.  The long side of the benchwork was 6 inches shorter then the plan called for.  DOH!  In 12 years I never thought to remeasure the benchwork.

The lesson kids...measure three, four or more times.


Michael T.'s picture

Time to get started again, McClanahan Gorge

I haven't posted anything to my blog in awhile because I've not done much on the layout lately.  I just seemed to hit a "creative lull" which happens sometimes. I've continued to download and enjoy MRH though and I've peeked at the forum on occasion and commented here and there on stuff of interest to me or where I felt I could help others but that's been the extent of my involvement in the hobby lately.

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